Motorists urged to 'stay as calm as possible' if wasp enters the car to avoid £2,500 fine

A fear for many motorists, drivers have been advised on exactly what to do should a wasp enter their vehicle during a road trip this summer.

Drivers should stay as calm as possible if a wasp enters their vehicle to prevent fines and crashes (Image: Getty)

The online used car retail platform Motor Match has shared how drivers can stay safe and avoid fines if a wasp enters their car this summer.


With warmer spells predicted over the summer months, more motorists will be taking longer journeys and rolling the windows down. However, whilst this can help them to stay cool, drivers are unintentionally inviting wasps into the vehicle.

A spokesperson from Motor Match noted that having a wasp enter the vehicle can be a terrifying experience for all drivers, but they must remain calm.

They explained: "Even to people who don't mind wasps, the sudden appearance of one could be quite alarming. When in the enclosed space of a car, it's understandable that they could prove to be a distraction to the driver.

"Nevertheless, it's crucial that we stay as calm as possible and don't let wasps or other insects distract us from driving safely."

Drivers who encounter a wasp in their car should lower their windows to help it escape (Image: Getty)

Whilst wasps are a phobia for many Brits, being distracted by one whilst in control of a car puts occupants and surrounding road users at a much higher risk of an accident.

As a result, motorists could face fines of up to £2,500 and nine penalty points on their licence for careless driving.

If the wasp causes the driver to injure or kill someone, these penalties could increase further, potentially leading to a driving ban.

When it is safe to do so, drivers should stop the vehicle and open the doors to assist the wasp (Image: Getty)
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Motor Match's spokesperson suggested that the best way to deal with a wasp in a car is by keeping calm and opening the windows in order to let it escape.

They advised: "If you encounter a wasp flying around your vehicle whilst driving, remember to remain calm. The calmer you are, the less likely the wasp is to sting you.


"Be sure to wind down your windows to give the wasp an opportunity to escape. Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road."

If a driver decides that they are unable to continue the journey whilst the wasp is in their car, they should pull over when it is safe to do so.

Getting out of the vehicle, drivers should open as many doors and windows as possible to encourage the wasp to exit under its own accord.

Drivers can also prevent wasps from entering a vehicle by keeping the interior clean, particularly removing any items that have a sugar coating on them, such as sweet wrappers.