Car nose-dives down steps and nearly lands in SEA in attempt to recreate The Italian Job

A DRIVER took a short cut down a set of steps, in a scene reminiscent of The Italian Job.

Still from The Italian Job and picture of crashed carCASCADE NEWS

The Italian Job wannabe was not quite as successful as Michael Caine and his pals

The black Vauxhall Astra came to a halt when it hit railings down the middle of the seafront steps in Westcliff, near Southend, Essex.

Locals on Holland Road say motorists often don't realise their road is a cul-de-sac, and head for the steps.

The 1969 Michael Caine film, The Italian Job, features classic chase scenes with Minis driving down steps and through shopping arcades.


Unfortunately for the driver they could not even make it half way

Crashed on stepsCASACDE

According to residents the driver must have been travelling at some speed

Resident Trevor Bell, 70, said it was not an uncommon occurrence for vehicles to find themselves on the steps and said he feared someone would one day be killed because of inadequate signs.

They do come down here rather fast at times, they think it's a race track, especially on Saturday nights

Resident Lesley McCartney

He said: "This isn't the first time we've had them end up on the steps, it happens all the time, though when it's motorbikes it often goes unreported because they take off.

"We've been fighting for years for adequate signage to warn people we're a cul-de-sac but the council has always thought it unnecessary.

"Other cul-de-sacs don't have this problem because they have proper signage and it needs changing before someone gets killed."

Crashed car on stepsCASCADE

Residents have asked the council to put a sign up warning drivers

The car, which according to has been untaxed since August 31, is believed to have found itself on the steps at about 2am, though the circumstances in which it left the road and smashed into the steps' railings remains unclear.

Lesley McCartney, 64, who lives on Holland Road near where the car was discovered, doubts it was a dopey driver who forgot to put their handbrake on.

She said: "They do come down here rather fast at times, they think it's a race track, especially on Saturday nights.

"The car must have been coming at some speed because I've seen cars roll when they've not had their handbrake on and they barely make it off the kerb."

The Italian Job – Charlie Croker - £210,000 (Car Chase)

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