Menopause: Lose weight quicker by switching up exercise routine - and 'relieve symptoms'

Menopause: Vary your exercise to lose weight and 'relieve symptoms' (Image: GETTY)

THE MENOPAUSE can bring about unwanted weight gain, and experts have suggested women change up their exercise routines to boost losing weight.

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There are many things that can cause weight gain during the menopause, but experts have reassured women struggling to battle the bulge that there are also a few ways to get rid of it too. One key measure they can take to help with the midlife pound surge is mixing up their workouts or exercise regimes.


People are encouraged to engage in 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week in order to keep fit and healthy.

But there are certain types of exercises or activities women can do that could prove more beneficial than just walking.

Exercise has long been credited as vital for weight loss alongside a balanced diet.

Maria Eleftheriou, head of barre at Psycle, revealed it has a huge impact on people's mental health as well as their physical wellbeing.

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"The fact that during exercise we use more oxygen, creating more blood flow, also has a positive effect on the brain and how we’re feeling," she said.

For many women going through the change, experts have recommended making getting rid of belly fat a priority due to the other health risks it poses.

They suggest engaging in activities such as barre, pilates, yoga and lifting weights to "make a real difference", as each are a safe and low-impact way to lose weight.

Maria continued: "Barre workouts are ideal, as the small, controlled body-weight movements help build strength and increase bone density."


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Barre has been found to improve the mind to body connection, balance, stability, and strength, to relieve aches and pains often experienced among those going through peri-menopause.

"As you get older, your body won’t change by doing HIIT (high-intensity interval training) or cardio classes alone," she added.

Maria suggested using isometric exercises (contracting specific muscles) and eccentric exercises (slowly lengthening a muscle), which work both short and long muscles.

"Interval training once a week can help support heart health and relieve menopausal symptoms, blended with a combination of yoga and stretching," she told The Sun.

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HIIT programmes 'significantly' decreased women's body weight (Image: GETTY)

Getting the mix of different workouts right is important for the menopausal transitions.

While women should switch their workouts to engage various muscles with different exercises, interval training has been proven to improve insulin sensitivity and can lower fasting blood sugar levels.

This is good for overall cardiovascular and metabolic health, especially during the menopause as blood sugar can become more difficult to manage.

Calorie burning tips (Image: EXPRESS)

A recent study found that HIIT programmes "significantly" decreased women's body weight and total and abdominal fat.

Researchers found that cycling at in high-intensity intervals was "more effective" than running, especially in postmenopausal women and training interventions longer than eight weeks comprising three sessions a week should be promoted.

Feisty Menopause, a guide for active women going through the change, found that "the sweet spot" for menopausal intervals is around 30 seconds or less.