Can you cook mince from frozen?

MINCE is a cheap and versatile ingredient people can use to make a hearty meal, and, as an added benefit, freezes perfectly well. But can you cook mince from frozen?

By Liam Doyle, News Reporter

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People will have turned to freezing food once again as the second lockdown looms, with restrictions soon to tighten over England. Doing so will ultimately help people save a lot of money, but meats have variable rules when it comes to cooking from frozen. Thankfully, mince is one of those ingredients which people can take out of the freezer and use nearly immediately.

Can you cook mince from frozen?

Mince comes in many different forms, including beef, pork, lamb, turkey and Quorn.

While rules tend to vary for defrosting certain meats, people can cook mince from frozen regardless of its composition according to

To avoid any ill-effects from cooking the meat in this way, however, the site states people must cook it thoroughly.

READ MORE: Can you freeze yoghurt?

Can you cook mince from frozen evg

(Image: GETTY)

Cook from frozen: Mincemeat

Cook from frozen: People can also leave mincemeat to defrost if they want (Image: GETTY)

While whole cuts of meat have bacteria clinging to the outside, mince has it on the inside as well.

Ensuring it is cooked through to a sufficiently high temperature will eliminate the risk.

CPD Online College revealed the best way to cook mince straight from frozen.

They recommend removing it from the freezer and putting it straight in a pan to start.

Cook from frozen: Frozen mincemeat

Cook from frozen: Mincemeat is a versatile food and easy to freeze (Image: GETTY)

Cook from frozen: Cooking mincemeat

Cook from frozen: People need to ensure mincemeat is cooked all the way through (Image: GETTY)

Then, people need to keep the hub on a low temperature, and gently move the block of mince around.

Yu Mon Khin, the founder of Khin’s Kitchen, shares that to best maximize the flavor and texture when cooking mince from frozen, add your seasonings and spices early in the cooking process. The gradual thawing allows the flavors to infuse more deeply into the meat, which will help elevate the entire dish.

Once it has thawed and separated, turn the heat up and stir until it seems evenly cooked.

The whole process won't take long, roughly 10 to 15 minutes in all according to CPD.

If they choose, people can also defrost the mince beforehand by leaving it in the fridge for around six hours.

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