Make fresh baconnaise in just 15 minutes using smoked rashers and fresh herbs

Mayonnaise is one of the most versatile condiments when it comes to cooking and can be flavoured with almost anything - including smoked bacon. And one chef has shared the perfect recipe to whip it up from scratch at home.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter


Chef shares easy baconnaise recipe using just 8 ingredients - and it takes just 15 minutes (Image: GETTY)

Baconnaise is a bacon-flavoured spread made using a creamy mayonnaise base. The smokey flavour makes it the ideal sauce for burgers and sandwiches or to scoop up with crispy potatoes, but just one bottle of it can set shoppers back by almost £4. For those who want an authentic flavour and perfect consistency, a sauce-loving chef has shared his easy .

The right sauce can make or break a meal when it comes to home , so getting the flavour and consistency right is essential.

But with different recipes used by household brands, it can be difficult to find the perfect condiment. Instead, chef Thom Bateman has an easy recipe anyone can follow.

In a recent video on his TikTok profile (@chefthombateman), the experienced culinary expert shared the quick method for a perfect smokey, creamy sauce - using real bacon.

And it's the ideal dip for fluffy potatoes - whether they're chips or wedges.

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Preparing mouth-watering hamburger with sauce

Baconnaise is perfect for burgers, sandwiches and even on salads (Image: Getty)

In his cooking series "All About the Sauce", Thom dedicated one episode to making authentic mayonnaise using smoked meat rather than powdered flavourings.

Using just eight affordable ingredients, home cooks can make the sauce in just 15 minutes.


  • 150g smoked bacon, cut into chunks
  • Two egg yolks
  • One tablespoon of whole-grain mustard
  • A squeeze of lemon juice
  • One tablespoon of sherry or white wine vinegar
  • One tablespoon honey or maple syrup
  • A handful of flat leaf parsley

Salt to taste is also essential for this recipe, and it is also useful to have a neutral-flavoured oil on hand, according to Thom.

To make the mayonnaise, the chef started by chopping the raw bacon into small, evenly-sized strips.

He then cooked them off in a cold frying pan with a drop of oil. According to Thom, this is essential to "render out the fat" before adding it to the creamy base.

To separate the juicy oil from the meat strips, he poured the contents of the pan through a sieve and into a large mixing bowl.

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woman chopping bacon at a stove at her home in england

The bacon should be fried then oven baked for extra crispiness (Image: Getty)

Once separated, Thom placed the bacon onto a baking tray in the oven for 10 minutes at 160C to "dry it out and crisp it up".

In a separate bowl, he combined the egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice before whisking vigorously until combined.

At this point, the chef then added the tablespoon of vinegar and whisked it once more.

After leaving the bacon fat to cool, he strained it into the mixture and gently continued to whisk until the sauce resembled a mayonnaise consistency.

Thom explained: "Use neutral oil if you don't have enough bacon fat, then add two garlic cloves and a tablespoon of maple syrup in there."

To create the smokey flavour, the chef diced up the crispy bacon strips into crumbs and poured them into the sauce.

Once combined, he added in the chopped fresh parsley and stirred the contents of the bowl to blend the ingredients before adding salt to taste.

The TikTok chef showed off the colourful sauce which had a thick yet runny consistency. To serve, Thom plated it up with salted skin-on-fries.

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