I made the perfect omelette in less than 10 minutes with a chef’s incredibly easy recipe

Omelettes seem like something so simple, yet they taste amazing. Having never made one before, I decided to try my hand at a chef's "easy" recipe they claim makes the "perfect" omelette.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Spinach and cheese omelette

I made the perfect omelette in less than 10 minutes with a chef’s incredibly easy recipe (Image: Angela Patrone/EXPRESS)

are the stars of the show when it comes to the popular breakfast dish of omelettes which can also make a tasty and quick dinner.

While an omelette can seem to be intimidating at first glance, I soon learned that they're really not difficult to whip up.

There are a few tricks I learned along the way when making my first omelette and, with practice, I think anyone can create a restaurant-quality omelette at home.

The omelette I followed was from Chef Ellis Barrie and he claimed this recipe makes the “perfect omelette” whilst being “simple and easy” to follow.

He highlighted that beginners will find it best to stick with a two-egg omelette. Once the technique has been mastered, you can move up to a three-egg omelette.

omelette ingredients

I started by measuring out the ingredients and giving the two eggs a whisk (Image: EXPRESS)


Two knobs of butter

large handful spinach

Two eggs

15g of grated cheddar cheese

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


I started by measuring out the ingredients and giving the two eggs a whisk to save time later.

In a medium-sized frying pan, I melted half of the butter over a medium heat before adding the spinach and cooking it for one to two minutes.

Once the spinach looked a little wilted, I seasoned it with some salt and pepper before tipping it out onto a plate and setting it aside.

The chef claimed that the size of the pan people use to make their omelette is vital because it needs to suit the amount of eggs being used.

Cooking spinach in frying pan

I melted the butter before adding in the spinach (Image: EXPRESS)

cooked spinach

Once the spinach had wilted, I set it aside (Image: EXPRESS)

He recommended using a 22cm pan for a two-egg omelette. He warned that for those who use a larger pan, their omelette will be too thin and overcook rather than have a soft interior.

However, a few centimetres off is fine as my frying pan was slightly larger but my omelette still had a soft interior and was not overcooked.

With the eggs already beaten, I added the remaining butter and melted it until it began to foam, then swirled it around the pan.

Make sure not to add any salt to your eggs after giving them a whisk as this can disrupt the texture and discolour them.

I then immediately poured in the beaten eggs and tilted the pan to distribute the eggs evenly. I left it cooking for 20 seconds until the eggs began to bubble.

using a spatula to draw in the sides of the eggs to the centre before giving the pan a shake

I used a spatula to draw in the sides of the eggs to the centre before giving the pan a shake (Image: EXPRESS)

Adding cheese and spinach to omelette while eggs are still runny

With the eggs still slightly runny, I sprinkled over the cheese and spinach (Image: EXPRESS)

folded omelette and topped with cheese and pepper

I folded the omelette and topped it with more cheese and pepper (Image: EXPRESS)

Working quickly, I used a spatula to draw in the sides of the eggs to the centre, incorporating the butter and gently shaking the pan to redistribute the egg to the edges.

With the eggs still slightly runny, I sprinkled over the cheese and spinach before removing the pan from the heat. I did worry that perhaps the omelette needed longer to cook, however, the residual heat continued to cook the egg.

The final step was to fold the omelette which made me the most nervous. Using my spatula, I folded over one-third of the omelette into the middle, then turned the omelette onto a warm plate folding over itself and it surprisingly didn’t fall apart. Then I just topped it with cheese and some more pepper.

The omelette tasted delicious, but I would probably increase the amount of spinach for the filling next time and perhaps add in some fried mushrooms.

If I wanted to make the omelette more filling, say if I were having this for dinner, I would probably opt for adding some smoked salmon too.

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