Best place to store potatoes keeps them firm and fresh for longer - no mould or soft spots

Celebrate International Potato Day on May 30 by learning some food storage tips to extend the shelf life of potatoes and stop them becoming mouldy before their time.

TikTok user asks viewers if potatoes belong in the fridge

It can be tempting to store all your vegetables in the fridge, especially in the summer when insects are buzzing around and heat makes produce expire at a quicker rate.

However, Addison LaBonte, a recipe developer and founder of Watch Learn Eat, has advised to not store potatoes in the fridge if you can avoid it.

She said: “Putting potatoes in the fridge can increase the amount of sugar they contain, which is what can give them that sweet taste, and lead to a chemical reaction leading to higher levels of a chemical called acrylamide when the potatoes are baked, fried or roasted at high temperatures.

“This can pose a health problem and may be why you see some places suggest against storing potatoes in the fridge if at all possible.”

Instead, potatoes should always be stored at room temperature, preferably somewhere dark and cool in your kitchen where they will keep fresh if stored correctly.

Picture of fresh raw potatoes

The best way to keep potatoes fresh is to keep them away from heat and moisture (Image: Getty)

Addison said: “When storing at room temperature, make sure to put your potatoes in a basket, crate, paper bag, cardboard box, or bin that's loosely covered so they are well-ventilated. Whole, uncooked potatoes can usually last up to two weeks if stored properly at room temperature.

“Once raw potatoes have been cut they'll last about 24 hours. You should put the cut, raw potatoes in a bowl of cold water, completely submerge them and refrigerate them.”

The key to keeping potatoes fresher for longer is keeping them away from moisture, heat and light which means they are best placed in an airy container such as a mesh bag or basket.

Make sure to keep them away from the stove, oven or any other hot appliances in your kitchen such as an air fryer as the heat can cause them to begin rotting.

Picture of fresh raw potatoes

Keep potatoes in a airy container and do not store them in a plastic bag as moisture can build up (Image: Getty)

It is best to also keep potatoes separate from your other fruits and vegetables as they produce a growth hormone called ethylene gas, which can accelerate ripening if lots of produce is stored together.

One of the worst vegetables to store next to potatoes is onions, as it also produces ethylene gas and they will cause potatoes to begin decaying.

Addison said: “Don't store your potatoes next to your onions! They're not good neighbours and have chemical reactions between the two that will spoil both vegetables faster.”

However, the best storage advice for potatoes is to store them unwashed and to check them regularly, as any that are becoming smelly or are going soft can cause the rest to spoil.

Addison said: “If your potatoes are omitting a strong odour that's foul, musty, sour, or funky, please just toss the spuds and don't risk any potential health risks.

“Always remember to wash your potatoes before you cook with them no matter how you choose to store them. Be sure to remove any excess dirt or debris.”

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