Easy Spanish tortilla recipe is a 'classic' and uses just four ingredients

Spanish tortilla has more substance than its French omelette counterparts and with this recipe, makes the perfect tapas dish.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Spanish tortilla omelette with potatoes

Easy Spanish tortilla recipe is a 'classic' and uses just four ingredients (Image: Getty)

Spanish tortilla is one of a few famous national dishes found in Spain, essentially an omelette made with potatoes.

It's not so difficult to make, with egg and salt being used as the foundation, and onion often added among other tasty ingredients.

The dish can be served as a starter or a main, but it's not uncommon for Spanish tortillas to feature in tapas. No matter how it's enjoyed, this delicacy is super easy to recreate at home using award-winning and bestselling cook Anna Jones's recipe.

As shared in Jamie Magazine, Anna said: "This classic Spanish dish is very versatile and quick to whip up, can be served hot or cold and is a fantastic way of using up all kinds of ingredients.

"Simply add in any leftover vegetables, crumbled or grated cheese, jarred red peppers or cooked sausage. They’ll all taste great, so get experimenting!"

Spanish Omelette eggs and onion

Spanish tortilla is quick and easy to make - plus it tastes delicious hot or cold (Image: Getty)

Spanish tortilla recipe


  • 300g waxy potatoes
  • One onion
  • Olive oil
  • Five large free-range eggs


This recipe serves six people but will taste great as leftovers the next day, just be sure to keep the tortilla in the fridge once cooled.

To make the tortilla, first peel the potatoes using a speed-peeler, then carefully cut them into thin slices. Pat the potato slices dry with a clean tea towel and set aside.

Now peel and finely slice the onion before drizzling two tablespoons of oil into a small frying pan set over medium heat. Add the potatoes and onions, reduce the heat to low and cook for 25 to 30 minutes.

Keep an eye on the contents of the pan while cooking and stir occasionally. You may want to flip the potatoes over halfway through to ensure even cooking, but take care not to break them up.

When the onions are turning golden and the potatoes are cooked through, remove the pan from the heat. Quickly crack the eggs into a mixing bowl and season with a small pinch of salt and pepper before whisking the mixture with a fork.

Transfer the mixture back into the frying pan and place it over low heat then leave to cook for around 20 minutes, or until there’s almost no runny egg on top.

Use a fish slice to slightly lift and loosen the sides of the tortilla, then carefully flip the pan over a dinner plate and tip out the tortilla.

Gently slide it back into the pan and cook for another five minutes or until golden and cooked through.

Finally, turn out the cooked tortilla onto a serving board, then cut it into six wedges and serve hot or cold with a simple green salad.

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