Weeds: Use baking soda to quickly get rid of ‘stubborn’ patio weeds ‘you can’t get rid of’

WEEDS can be a real hassle for gardeners as they grow anywhere and everywhere in the garden. Although, one expert has said using baking soda can rid patios of those "stubborn" weeds "you can't quite seem to get rid of".

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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Spring is the time where growth increases, which means that so does the growth of weeds due to the warmer weather. These pesky around paving stones and on patios can make a garden look untidy. If weeds are not removed properly from paving stones, they can continue to grow back for years. Speaking exclusively to , one expert shared different methods on banishing weeds, including using baking soda.

Martine Le Gassick, a creative director at Stark & Greensmith noted that “harsh chemicals aren't always an option” when it comes to getting rid of weeds.

She said: “As the garden begins to grow back in spring, so do the nasty garden weeds and harsh chemicals aren't always an option if you have little ones or pets running around.

“So here are three ways of disposing of weeds without strong chemicals, just make sure to supervise the area until you have cleaned all the ingredients away.”

Martine explained that baking soda is great for removing weeds that appear in “stoned areas”.


Weeds: Use baking soda to quickly get rid of ‘stubborn’ patio weeds ‘you can’t get rid of’

Weeds: Use baking soda to quickly get rid of ‘stubborn’ patio weeds ‘you can’t get rid of’ (Image: GETTY)

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Climbing roses are an elegant addition to any garden, but they can become weak and overgrown if left unpruned.

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She said: “This is great for those stubborn weeds you can’t quite seem to get rid of. 

“This should be used on stoned areas like patios as the mixture can kill flowers surrounding the affected area.”

Baking soda, also called sodium bicarbonate, is an effective way to eliminate weeds by increasing levels of salt.

When exposed to an overload of salt, weeds cannot survive.

As an increased level of salt in soil also poses a problem for non-weed plants in the vicinity it is best to use this method on patio areas.


Martine suggested gardeners use boiling water if they are after a “quick and simple” way to dispose of weeds.

She said: “This can be a quick and simple way of disposing of weeds.

“Just make sure to pour small amounts over the area and make sure to keep the area clear until the water has cooled down.”

The transfer of heat energy onto the plant leads to the distortion of plant cells, causing it to die.

These pesky plants around paving stones and on patios can make a garden look untidy

Weeds: These pesky plants around paving stones and on patios can make a garden look untidy (Image: GETTY)

It is important to note that some hardy weeds may need a couple of attempts before they disappear.

Gardeners should not use boiling water to kill lawn weeds as it could inhibit the growth of the grass too.

Using is another way to remove weeds, according to the expert.

Martine said: “This works best for surface weeds, as it doesn’t penetrate further down to the roots. 

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“It’s just a simple quick trick to get rid of any small weeds you can see.”

White vinegar is readily available, cheap, and an effective weed killer for paving areas.

It dries out surface weeds on contact.

Gardeners can use white vinegar on younger weeds or vinegar with a higher concentration for older weeds, such as weed killer vinegar, which can be picked up at any garden shop.

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