‘They steal vital nutrients!’ ‘Key area’ to prune Japanese maples for ‘healthier growth’

Japanese Maples, also known as acer trees, are some of the most attractive and valuable trees in any garden, so if you are lucky enough to have one on your property, you want to treat it right. Gardening experts have shared the "key area" gardeners need to focus on when pruning their acers for "healthy growth".

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Alan Titchmarsh explains how to prune an Acer tree

When the leaves fall off and the subtle shape of a Japanese maple’s trunk is revealed during the winter months, it can be tempting to get the clippers out and get to work. These trees are among the most difficult and complicated to prune. It takes the skill and talent to work with these trees and to shape, define, and encourage their inherently beautiful nature. That’s why gardeners recommend rules to follow when pruning these trees

When to prune Japanese maples

According to gardening experts at Moana Nursery, Japanese maples can be selectively pruned almost any time of year but the “best times for major pruning” are in winter before the leaf buds begin to swell and early summer before temperatures exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees celsius). 

They explained: “Winter is easy because the tree has no leaves, which makes it easier to see the branch structure and make the right cuts. 

“In early summer, the presence of leaves will help you judge the right amount of thinning needed to see the structure of your tree.”

The goal of pruning is to encourage the tree’s natural growth habit. The experts noted that pruning to change or reduce the size or shape of your Japanese Maple against its natural growing style does not work in the long run. They said: “The tree will simply grow faster and become more unruly.”


Woman pruning an acer tree in autumn

‘They steal vital nutrients!’ ‘Key area’ to prune Japanese maples for ‘healthier growth’ (Image: GETTY)

How to prune Japanese maples

The gardening pros said: “The starting point for pruning these types of trees is to look for broken, dead, or deformed branches. 

“You will usually spot deadwood near the tips of branches or in the interior of the tree. Avoid removing only the tips of branches as this will result in rapid and unruly growth. Instead, you can either remove part of or the whole branch.”

To remove part of the branch, cut back to a quarter of an inch or so above a healthy bud (a bud is the half-moon-shaped swelling along the branch). 

Moana Nursery experts advised: “An essential rule is to cut back to a branch or bud that is pointed in the direction you want your Japanese maple to grow. 


“You can cut to a bud, a live lateral branch (smaller branches growing off of the main branch), or back to the branch collar, the swelling where the branch attaches to the main trunk.”

The experts explained that gardeners should avoid cutting into a branch collar and instead always cut a couple of inches beyond the collar. They said: “Cutting into the main trunk or into a branch collar can often be an entry point for disease and pests."

So where should gardeners focus pruning their acer trees? According to the gardening pros attention should be focused on suckers, otherwise known as sprouts at the base. 

The experts explained: “Suckers are a key area to prune on Japanese maples. These are ‘new growth’ usually coming out of the base of the trunk or the ground around the base. These will steal vital nutrients from your tree for themselves so they need to be cut for healthier growth.”


A woman pruning a small Japanese maple tree

According to the gardening pros attention should be focused on pruning suckers (Image: GETTY)

Dead or dying branches should also be removed from the trees. The gardening gurus said: “Cleaning off dead or dying branches can help mitigate the spread of diseases, focus your tree’s nutrients and growth into healthy limbs and promote new and healthier growth."

Crossing branches should also be pruned as they often rub against each other or the main trunk which can interfere with their growth. The wounds created by rubbing allow insects and diseases to enter the tree.

The final branches that need to be removed are those of an odd angle. The experts said: “Branches growing inward or in the wrong direction are the next to go. 

“These will include branches growing through the middle of the tree, downward on an upright form, or branches growing upward on a weeping tree.”

Crossing branches on Japanese maple tree

Crossing branches should also be pruned as they often rub against each other (Image: GETTY)

One of the keys to making Japanese maples look great is to separate branches into overlapping layers that don’t touch each other, like a lattice, says the experts. They advised: “With that in mind, look for branches growing parallel. Thinning these branches helps define the structure of the tree and adds interest.

“Work from the bottom up, and inside out. Take your time and periodically step back and inspect your work from different angles. Look at your tree from the base up following each branch upward to decide what and where to prune. If you are unsure, don’t cut.”

When pruning it is important that gardeners make sure their pruning tools are sharp and clean as dirty shears can spread diseases to the newly opened wound. Hand Shears, lopper shears, or Bypass pruners are best for cutting branches as thick as your middle finger or smaller, according to the pros. Pruning saws are best for anything larger.

Make sure to wear gloves and eye protection when pruning. It may not seem dangerous but branches can surprise you with a good eye-poke and shears are sharp.

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