Houseplant expert warns where to ‘never’ place peace lilies in winter - ‘very detrimental’

Peace lilies are popular houseplants known for their elegant white blooms and dark green leaves. They're said to bring a calming sense to a space, so much so that they're often given as sympathy gifts.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Peace Lilies: Why they are the perfect house plant

These even have a reputation for helping purify the air. Peace lilies are native to the tropics, which means they prefer warm, humid conditions. It is therefore important for owners to keep in mind that the peace lilies need special attention during as their requirements change as per the season. If peace lilies do not get proper care in winter, they can develop wilting leaves, discolouration and can even die.

Houseplants experts at Simplify Plants warned that peace lilies do not show any difficulty in temperatures above seven degrees and continue to remain healthy, but if the temperature drops below four to seven degrees, “the peace lilies start showing problems”.

They explained: “The care routine of the peace lily during the summer and the springtime is different and should be discontinued in the winter season. You might be unintentionally killing your peace lily by doing the same things in winter.”

The experts have shared the “correct requirements” all peace lilies need in winter that will positively affect their growth.


The pros claimed that light is an “essential criterion” for these plants as “they depend on light for their survival”. The winter comes with insufficient light that leads the plant to dormancy.

The experts advise households to find a spot for their peace lily that gets the most amount of light in winter and relocate the plant to that spot. The plant can even be left under direct sunlight for a few hours in the daytime during winter.


peace lily houseplants

Houseplant expert warns where to ‘never’ place peace lilies in winter - ‘very detrimental’ (Image: GETTY)

When to water your indoor plants

When to water your indoor plants (Image: EXPRESS)

However, plant owners are warned to “never” place the plant in front of the window during winter as that might expose it to low temperatures or cold drafts that are “very detrimental” to the peace lily.

In winter, gardeners can even use artificial lights to provide extra light to their peace lily, but that might not be required for those who have a healthy plant that is already doing well.


Water is a “fundamental requirement” of all houseplants, but the requirements change during the winter season. The plant doesn’t get enough light, so the soil takes longer to get dry.

The plant pros shared that owners “must” reduce watering their peace lily in winter and wait for the soil to dry out. For those providing artificial light and some extra heat to their peace lily in winter, the soil will dry out faster, and the plant will require a bit more water.


The experts said: “But as a thumb rule, you must not water the peace lily as much as the growing season, like summer or spring. Water your peace lily based on the temperature and light availability and whether the soil is ready for it.

“Do not water with cold water as that can shock your peace lily. Use normal room-temperature water for best results.”


Simplify Plants warned: “Peace lilies do not prefer cold temperatures and often die if kept cold for an extended period. The temperature between 45-55°F (seven and 12 degrees) is tolerable for the plant and should be maintained if you want it to survive the winter.”

Any temperature less than seven degrees is considered “dangerous” for peace lilies, and such low-temperature levels can be “life-threatening for the plant”.


Dead house plant spathiphyllum - Peace Lily

Peace lilies do not prefer cold temperatures and often die if kept cold for an extended period (Image: Getty)

Plant owners can provide some warmth to their peace lily by burning woods in the fireplace or using any heating source in the room.

However, these houseplants shouldn’t be placed too close to any heating source as that can cause damage. Keep some feet of distance between the plant and the heat source.


Peace lilies prefer humidity over dry air and low humidity in the atmosphere during winter might result in the leaves turning brown.

A humidifier can solve this problem and help the plant be in a humid condition, according to the experts.

Spraying spathiphyllum or peace lily houseplant in bloom

Gardeners can try to spray some water on the plant’s leaves to add humidity (Image: Getty)

Gardeners can also try to spray some water on the plant’s leaves to add humidity, but only if there is scope for evaporation of that water. 


As well as reducing watering schedules, the gardening pros also warned owners that they “must not” fertilise their peace lily in winter.

They explained: “Winter is the dormant period for the peace lily when it doesn’t focus on growth but stores up energy for growth in the coming spring and summer seasons.

“If you fertilise your peace lily in winter, it will get over fertilised due to the excess salt buildup on the soil. Therefore, you must wait for the winter to pass before fertilising your peace lily again.”

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