‘Worst offenders’ for causing garden damage that ‘won’t stop’ destroying your plants

Summer is the time when many will see their gardens spring into life - not just because of the plants being grown, but also with all the animals they attract. However, there are some species that could be causing gardens harm, warned one expert.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Aphids: RHS gardening expert gives tips for dealing with pests

Just as are really starting to bloom, gardeners may notice black spots on leaves, chewed-up petals or a whitish fuzz along roots. 

Garden are no joke as they can kill a garden very quickly, undoing hours of hard work.

However, it can be hard to know which pests to look out for and how to get rid of them.

Look no further, as Daniel Scholfied, director at The Expert Gate Company, has shared some advice on which animals will need evicting as he has named three “cultivation criminals”.

1. Aphids 

Claiming top spot are aphids as Daniel claimed that they are “the worst offenders for garden damage”, describing them as some of the “most prolific” pests. 

Close-up on a rose attacked by aphids

Aphids are the worst offenders for garden damage (Image: Getty)

Sucking the sap from plants, these bugs aren’t picky eaters and “won’t stop until the plant has nothing more to offer”. 

It’s easy to tell when plants are being attacked by aphids, as their leaves noticeably curl or the plant as a whole begins to bend out of shape. But to get rid of them is another story.

The expert said: “The best way of dealing with this problem pest is to get natural predators involved, such as the aforementioned birds and ladybirds, who will gladly use the opportunity to fill up on them and get your plants growing strong again. 

“If your garden is currently free of these predators, then a mix of dish soap and water sprayed onto the affected areas should sort them right out.”

Snail Invasion

Slugs and snails “wreak havoc on your garden” (Image: Getty)

When different pests are most active

When different pests are most active (Image: EXPRESS)

2. Slugs and snails

A notorious pair of pests, slugs and snails “wreak havoc on your garden”, munching through leaves and leaving a signature trail of slime in their wake. 

For those who want to have a healthy, biodiverse garden, they should avoid jumping straight to the chemical option. 

Instead, Daniel insisted that try removing them by hand by following the tell-tale trails slugs and snails leave behind. 

He added: “You can also make a homemade spray through boiling full bulbs of garlic with water, then squashing and sieving to get a smooth solution which will keep them at bay.”

A young brown rat foraging for food on the ground on an autumn day.

Rats fill gardens with bacteria and parasites that are dangerous for both you and the garden (Image: Getty)

3. Rats 

While many will be worrying about keeping rats out of their homes, keeping them out of gardens is just as important.

Chewing through fruit, veg, seeds, plants, and even plastic containers, rats are not just going to nibble their way through the garden but also fill it with bacteria and parasites that are dangerous for both you and the garden. 

Daniel claimed that the “best way to keep rats out of your garden” is to keep everything tidy, making sure no rubbish and debris is left out for them to hide within. 

For those who suspect rats may be sneaking into gardens, then block any potential pathways they may be using as these creatures of habit will “rarely bother to find another entrance”.

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