How to grow your own herb garden in 7 easy steps

Want to grow your own herbs? Your meals can be enhanced by home-grown herbs in just seven easy steps.

Growing your own herbs is a way to save money

Growing your own herbs is a way to save money (Image: GETTY)

If you're a fan of adding a touch of freshness and flavour to your dishes with fragrant herbs, then you're in luck. Renowned herb specialist, designer, and author Jekka McVicar has shared her top tips on how to create your own kitchen herb garden.

With these expert tips, you'll be able to grow and nurture your own herbs, ensuring a continuous supply of aromatic goodness for your cooking adventures.

1. Handpick your perfect herbs

When it comes to choosing which herbs to grow, Jekka advises selecting the ones you will actually use in your cooking.

She said: "You can also consider popular choices such as basil, parsley, thyme, coriander, wild rocket, chives and oregano. These versatile herbs will complement a wide range of dishes and bring an extra touch of freshness to your cooking."

Whether you have a garden, a raised bed, or just a windowsill, these herbs can thrive and bring a touch of freshness to your culinary creations.

2. Nurture with the right conditions

Understanding the specific needs of your herbs is crucial for their growth.

Jekka recommends replicating the conditions from where the herbs originate. She said: "Although herbs are from all around the world, most of the culinary herbs we use today come from the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and grow best with full sun, in a sheltered location with light, well-drained, moisture-retentive, fertile soil with plenty of organic matter incorporated.”

Harvest your herbs with care and precision

Harvest your herbs with care and precision (Image: GETTY)

3. Root drainage is key

If you're growing herbs in pots, it's important to ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogged soil and root rot.

Jekka said: "You can add some stones or bits of broken pots to the bottom of the pot to ensure the drainage hole does not become blocked.

“By allowing excess water to escape, you promote healthy root development. I’d also recommend placing your herbs on a tray to stop your worktops getting dirty. For both pots and herb beds, you can also add horticultural grit to your compost to promote drainage.”

4. Water with care

When it comes to watering your herbs, it's crucial not to overwater.

Jekka advises watering in the morning before lunchtime so that the herbs go to bed dry.

She said: This is important when growing herbs inside as excessive moisture will cause ‘damping off’, a fungal infection, and mildew.”

5. Feed consistently

While herbs generally don't require a lot of food, they still need some nourishment to thrive.

Jekka recommends using a high-quality potting compost that is peat-free and naturally rich in the nutrients your plants need.

Fresh compost usually has about six weeks of food, so she suggests feeding your herbs on Fridays during the growing season with an organic liquid seaweed fertiliser. This will provide them with the extra boost they need to flourish.

It's crucial not to overwater

It's crucial not to overwater (Image: GETTY)

6. Prune for growth

Pruning is an essential part of herb care, especially for herbs from the Lamiaceae family, such as basil, mint, and oregano.

Jekka advises: "Pinch off the tips, from the top, to a growing node (where new leaves are shooting), particularly for herbs from the Lamiaceae family, like basil, mint and oregano. Through prudent pruning, you’ll stimulate your herbs to flourish, bush out and result in a fuller harvest.”

7. Collect your harvest

When it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labour, it's important to harvest your herbs with care and precision.

Jekka explained: "Similar to pruning, harvest toGrfowio a growing node to promote further growth. Avoid harvesting more than a third of the plant at once, as this can stress the herb. By harvesting properly, you’ll enjoy a continuous supply of fresh, aromatic herbs throughout the growing season.”

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