The ‘most effective way’ to remove dandelions for good - an the ‘best time’ to do so

Dandelions are a type of weed known as a broadleaf perennial, and they are known for being hard to get rid of if not addressed quickly. Thankfully, an expert has exclusively shared the best time to remove them and how.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Dandelions on lawn

Lawn expert shares the ‘best time’ to remove dandelions for good as timing is ‘crucial’ (Image: GETTY)

Dandelions are a type of perennial that has a thick, vertically rising taproot. 

Once a dandelion plant has successfully established its 10-inch-long taproot, the weed will return year after year and spread its spores throughout a indefinitely. 

The solution to completely eradicating this pesky lies in that long root.

Gardeners who want to get rid of dandelions for good must destroy or remove the entire taproot, or the undesirable sprout will return and become an even bigger problem to deal with. 

Speaking exclusively to , Bryan Clayton, CEO of GreenPal has shared the “most effective method” that “doesn't involve any chemical weed killer” to get rid of dandelions. 

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) meadow

Dandelions are a type of perennial weed that have a thick, vertically rising taproot (Image: Getty)

Learning how to get rid of dandelions effectively is a great skill every gardener should have.

The expert recommends hand-pulling dandelions after digging them up as the most effective way of getting rid of them.

Bryan said: “In my experience, using a hand weeder tool or a garden knife is the best way to get to the root of the problem.

“Dandelions have long taproots, so it's important to remove the entire root to prevent the plant from growing back.

A man digs dandelions from the lawn with a special shovel with a narrow long scoop

The most effective way of getting rid of dandelions is to dig them up (Image: Getty)

“Simply put, you should dig around the crown of the plant, then pry it out, making sure to get as much of the root as possible.”

The expert claimed that most people don't know this, but “timing is crucial” when it comes to removing dandelions from lawns. 

Bryan said: “The best time to remove dandelions is when the soil is moist, like after a rain or watering your lawn. This makes the soil soft and the roots easier to pull out.”

Gardeners should use a watering can to dampen the soil surrounding the dandelion, then wait a few minutes for the moisture to sink in before digging up the weed.

Watering can in flower meadow

The best time to remove dandelions is when the soil is moist (Image: Getty)

Lawn care calendar

Lawn care calendar: How to care for your lawn each month (Image: EXPRESS)

While removing dandelions manually may require a bit of effort and persistence, especially if a lawn is heavily infested, this method ensures that gardeners are not introducing any harmful chemicals into their yard, keeping it safe for kids, pets, and beneficial insects.

When getting rid of dandelions, the expert urged gardeners to make sure they remove the weeds before they go to seed.

When dandelions go to seed, gardeners will be dealing with a fresh crop of weeds before they know it.

The best time to do this is early in the spring before the flowers can turn into puffballs and spread their seeds to other parts of the garden.

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