Five ‘effortless to care for’ flowers to grow now that ‘withstand the lowest temperatures’

The colder seasons are often thought to be a quiet time in the gardening world where there's not much life in gardens, but there are many plants that thrive during this time of year. Light up your garden in the depths of autumn and winter with these magnificent plants, perfect for giving your garden some "winter colour".

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Hellebore plant and heather

Five ‘effortless to care for’ plants to grow now that ‘withstand the lowest temperatures’ (Image: GETTY)

With colder weather and increased amounts of rain, it can be more challenging to keep a looking vibrant during the , but it’s definitely achievable.

However, any put on a stunning display of colour in autumn and winter - and what’s more they are known for being easy to maintain.

expert and founder of Easy Garden Irrigation, Sean Lade, has used his expert knowledge on this topic area to provide gardeners with five of the “best, colourful plants” that can not only “withstand the lowest temperatures” but are “visually appealing” and “will take your winter garden scenery to the next level”. 

1. Sedum 

Also called ice plants, sedums are delightful gatherings of “vibrant ” that are perfect for borders and are “effortless to care for”. 

Sedum is resistant to drought, needs minimal watering and is highly unlikely to suffer from disease or insect infestation. 

Pink Sedum Blooms

Sedum can thrive in temperatures as low as -20°C (Image: Getty)

This makes it an excellent choice for gardeners who may not have the time to tend to their plants regularly. Sean claimed: “Sedum can thrive in temperatures as low as -20°C and blooms from August to October.

“This low-maintenance plant is a perfect addition to keep your garden in bloom during the colder months and is loved by pollinators in the summer.”

2. Winter pansy 

These plants are known to “bloom throughout winter”. With a bit of care, they can continue to do so up to spring. 

They are “exceptionally hardy” and will do well in raised beds with good drainage to avoid standing water, but they can also be planted in containers, borders and hanging baskets.

Viola Flowers

Winter pansies are known to “bloom throughout winter” (Image: Getty)

Pansies are known for providing striking hues of yellow, orange, red, white, purple, or even blue, which can inject lovely colours into gardens when other plants aren't so bright. 

Be sure to trim off any dead blooms to encourage healthy regrowth. If gardeners plant them in late October, they should be allowed to grow in a sunny spot where they can soak up the remainder of the autumn sunshine.

3. Heather 

Winter plants can be a great addition to any garden, and heather is one of the “best options” out there. 

These beautiful flowers bloom from late summer to autumn, and you can find many different varieties to choose from. 

Blooming heather plant in a clay pot

Heather is one of the “best options” out there (Image: Getty)

The expert noted: “Heather is worth considering if you're looking for an easy-to-manage, long-flowering plant that adds winter colour to your outdoor space.”

4. Catmint 

Catmint is a lovely that can add colour and fragrance to gardens. With its beautiful lavender flowers that can “bloom for months”, it's a hardy alternative to lavender that can “survive harsh winters without requiring too much attention”. 

5. Hellebores 

Also known as the "winter ", hellebores are beautiful and unique additions to any winter garden. These perennials bloom from winter to early spring and come in various colours, from delicate pastels to deep magentas. 

They are often grown in sheltered areas where they receive filtered light and can be planted under tree canopies or in pots. 

It's important to mulch around the roots for winter protection, but “be aware that some parts of the plant are poisonous and should be handled carefully”.

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