Paving expert shares 27p solution to ‘kill weeds and moss’ and prevent them growing back

Patios can make a garden look impressive, however, when they get covered in weeds and moss it's another story. Luckily, an expert has shared how to remove them.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Gardening tips: How to remove moss on drives and patios

and paving slabs are prone to getting covered in and during the winter months.

Moss in particular thrives in shade and damp conditions, so it’s not surprising patios, driveways and paving are breeding grounds for the stuff.

To help gardeners get their patios looking pristine, and weed and moss-free, Paul Mattimore, founder of Discover Paving and Landscaping has shared his best advice after having over 20 years of experience in the trade.

For those who have “stubborn” weeds or moss growing on their patio, this method is “perfect” for them, claims Paul. 

He noted that a 27p kitchen staple can be used to remove this pesky growth on paving - and that’s salt.

Teaspoon of salt

Salt can be used to remove patio moss and weeds (Image: Getty)

Start by boiling a pot of water, add a generous amount of salt and stir until the salt dissolves.

Then, pour the saltwater solution onto the weeds or moss. Paul said: “The boiling water will kill the weeds or moss, while the salt will prevent them from growing back. 

“Be careful not to pour the solution onto any plants or grass nearby as it can harm them.”

patio weeds growing near lawn

Do not pour the solution onto any plants or grass nearby as it will kill them (Image: Getty)

Salt is a kitchen staple in most households and it is very cheap to pick up in supermarkets. found that it retails for just 27p at Tesco.

While the expert noted that “this method is effective”, be aware that the salt can damage some types of patio surfaces. 

To avoid salt damaging your paving slabs, test it on a small area first before applying it to the entire patio.

Paul claimed that white vinegar can also be used to remove weeds and moss from patios. Simply mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a bucket. Then, pour the solution onto your patio and scrub it with a stiff-bristled brush. 

The paving pro said: “The acid in the vinegar will help to break down dirt and grime, while the water will dilute the vinegar and prevent it from damaging your patio.”

After scrubbing, rinse the patio with water. If there are any stubborn stains, repeat the process or use a more concentrated vinegar solution. This method is “safe, effective, and eco-friendly”.

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