Peace lilies will thrive and bloom beautifully if kept in the ‘best place’ of your home

Peace lilies are arguably one of the most stunning houseplants to own. However, to get the very best out of them, one expert has exclusively shared the "best place" to keep them in your home.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

How to care for a peace lily

are wonderful for anyone. From beginners with no experience to people with enough plants to stock a nursery, peace lilies deserve a space in your home.

If cared for properly, peace lilies give off striking, white or cream-coloured that last for weeks or even months.

While it is rather easy to keep a peace lily alive, there are important care needs that need to be carried out for them to thrive.

Speaking exclusively to, Mike Futia, expert and founder of has shared where to keep peace lilies and how to water them.

He said: “In terms of the best place to keep peace lilies, these plants prefer indirect light and high humidity.

Wilting peace lily by window

Direct sunlight scorches their leaves (Image: Getty)

“They do not tolerate direct sunlight too well, as it can scorch their leaves.”

Therefore, it is recommended that these popular indoor plants are kept near an east-facing window in a humid area, such as a bathroom.

Mike urged: “Avoid placing the plant in drafty areas, as this can cause the leaves to yellow and wilt.”

Peace lilies will also live in very low light conditions (such as a poorly lit room), but they won’t flower or grow very fast. 

These houseplants also prefer to be kept in well-draining soil, and they should be fertilised once a month during the growing season. 

When it comes to watering, the expert claimed that the “worst way” to water peace lilies is to allow the soil to dry out completely before watering the plant, and then watering it heavily all at once. 

When to water your indoor plants

When to water your indoor plants (Image: EXPRESS)

He warned: “This can lead to root rot, which can eventually kill the plant. It is also important to avoid getting water on the foliage of the peace lily, as this can lead to browning and yellowing of the leaves.”

Instead, the “best way” to water peace lilies is to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings and then water the plant thoroughly until water starts to drain out of the pot. 

It is also important to use room temperature water, as cold water can “shock the plant”.

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