Woman shares simple tip for reviving wilting hydrangeas and people are stunned

A woman has shared a simple tip for reviving wilting hydrangeas that has left people stunned as they never knew the flowers absorb water in a different way to other plants.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Multi-coloured hydrangeas in a vase on table in a garden.

Multi-coloured hydrangeas in a vase on table in a garden. (Image: Getty Images)

A handy hint has left people amazed at how simply they could perk up their blooms since these lovely flowers drink water differently from other kinds of plants.

Hydrangeas are recognised for their large and attractive blossoms in various colours like pink, blue and white. They look striking both outside in the garden or inside the home when displayed in a vase, brightening any room with their beauty.

But, once plucked or bought from a florist shop, their round-headed blossoms might start to droop. This was the problem faced by a TikTok user who adores these fancy flowers but found herself downcast when hers started to wilt.

She posted a video on her account sharing a fantastic free tip that successfully revived her hydrangeas. Her post read: "My hydrangeas were wilting after only 3 hours of having them so I tried this hack."

Selective focus hydrangea flowers at field.

Hydrangeas can absorb water differently than many other plants. (Image: Getty)

The brief clip displayed her wilted white flowers as she inserted them head-first into a bowl filled with water. After soaking, they emerged freshly rejuvenated, reclaiming their initial splendour.

In response to a question about how long she left them in the bowl, she said she soaked them overnight because they were supposed to be submerged for 12 hours.

Other people on the platform shared their thoughts on the video and explained why the trick works with hydrangeas. One user said: "Unlike most flowers, hydrangeas get water from the top, not the stem,"

Another added: "When my mum had a flower shop, she'd have me go mist the hydrangeas."

Others shared their tried and tested methods for watering from the head: "The water should be as cold as possible. I usually add some ice! "

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