2 easy tips have kept my peace lily thriving for years - you don't need to be an expert

I found that just two easy care tips have allowed my peace lily to thrive for three years so far.

Peace lilies are relatively easy plants to care for in my experience (Image: Getty Images)

While I am a huge houseplant lover, I am by no means an expert. Over the years, I've found that one of the easiest plants to care for has been my beloved peace lily, which treats us periodically to beautiful white flowers. Peace lilies are a great gift to give a friend - I actually received mine as a gift.


While some flowers and houseplants might end up being a task to take on, the peace lily is one plant which I have found requires minimal care and always rewards us.

In my experience, there are two main care tips that have allowed the peace lily to thrive. The first has to do with positioning.

While peace lilies are able to adapt to low light, they perform best when placed in bright, indirect light.

I have mine on a shelf within eye-line of a window meaning it receives a decent amount of light during the day, without constantly being in direct sunlight. If you place your plant in direct sunlight you might risk scorching its leaves.

My peace lily has been thriving for three years so far (Image: Aimee Robinson)

The second job is to make sure you keep on top of watering your plant without going overboard. While it might sound simple, one of the main things people get wrong about houseplants is how much water they need.

Peace lilies need consistently moist soil but do not like to sit in water. I typically check the soil around once a week to see whether it is still moist.


In the winter, the plant requires less water than during the summer months when it's warmer in the house.

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According to Gardeners World: "As a general rule, wait until the top few centimetres of compost have dried out before watering again.

"If you don't water them often enough you'll soon be able to tell – peace lilies wilt when dehydrated. Simply water again and adopt a regular watering regime."

On average, I water my peace lily once a week and that's kept it happy and full of life for the last three years.

Other tips recommended by experts include making sure to deadhead any spent blooms and wiping the leaves regularly to help with photosynthesis.