Warning to report strange froth on plants that could spread disease this June

An odd froth or spittle is appearing on plants this June but you must not touch it - and report sightings immediately

By Alex Evans, Deputy Audience Editor

Froth or spittle on plant

Do not touch this froth but report it immediately (Image: Alex Evans)

People are being urged not to touch a strange froth found on plants this June - and to report any that you see because it could spread disease.

As the warm weather brings our gardens to life, many of us are hoping to find our green spaces teeming with life, including everything from ants to wasps and beetles.

And it's at this time of year that you might notice this odd 'spittle', sometimes called cuckoo’s spit, on your garden plants.

But gardeners are being urged NOT to mess with the bubbles or spittle on plants and to report sightings of it immediately.

Spittle or froth on a plant

Do not touch this froth but report it immediately (Image: Alex Evans)

You may have seen it clumped on plant stems or in a patch of grass and wondered what it is. It looks like a ball of froth, or foam, a bit like someone has spat on your plants. So what is that ball of spit on your plants and is it harmful?

The spittle, as it's known, is made by an insect called a spittlebug, so named because it produces the weird frothy substance which then gets left behind on plants and in long grass. The spittlebug coats itself in a ball of foam for protection as it sucks on the sap from a plant for nutrition.

The red and black creature's offspring, also known as froghoppers, then hatch on a plant which has the leftover ball of foam.

The insect is usually active from the end of May to the end of June, so it's peak season for sightings right now. Though the insects feed on the plants, they don't remove enough nutrition to harm it and they don't hurt humans, so you don't need to do anything or get rid of the spittle.

Given that insect numbers have reduced by as much as 60 percent in the past 20 years alone according to studies in the UK, it's actually an extremely good sign to see insects breeding in gardens.


The odd spittle froth which could spread disease (Image: Alex Evans)

As per the food chain, if insects die out, there'll be nothing to pollinate flowers (it's not just bees), and nothing to feed animals higher up the chain that keep the entire ecosystem's cycle running smoothly. The end result is, without insects, we won't be able to grow any food at all.

So for that reason, it's really important to allow the insects to breed, and not to wash off or interrupt their delicate life cycle.

Scientists are also worried that a plant disease known as Xyella could be spread between plants by the spittlebug as a carrier.

If it was found in the UK, all plants within a 100m radius would need to be destroyed, with a 5km plant quarantine for up to five years afterwards because the disease could wipe out native UK plant species.

And because the spittlebug is a potential carrier of the disease, scientists are asking people to report any sightings of the spittlebug spittle, just in case, so that any outbreaks that do occur could be linked and tracked to what causes them.

A spokesperson for the Spittlebug survey said: "Please let us know when you see either spittle, nymphs (juveniles) or adults of the xylem-feeding insects (spittlebugs / froghoppers and some leafhoppers ) that have the potential to act as vectors of the bacteria.

"These records will help us build up a picture of where the bugs are found, what plants they feed on and how much they move around. This information will be essential for deciding how best to respond should the Xylella bacterium arrive in the UK."

You can report a sighting here: https://www.spittlebugsurvey.co.uk/how-to-survey-for-xylem-feeding-ins

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