Blooming breathtaking: In winter the flamboyant amaryllis flowers have the power to amaze

EVERYTHING about amaryllis plants is big, bold and beautiful.

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Everything about amaryllis plants is big, bold and beautiful

Chunky bulbs give rise to trunk-like stems and fat buds unfurl to display breathtaking trumpetshaped blooms. 

The whole process, from planting, to watching the stem emerge from the nose of the bulb, through to flowering takes about 6 to 8 weeks and is a joy to observe. But while newly bought bulbs bloom with great ease, not everyone knows how simple it is to bring them back into flower every year and so many bulbs end up in the compost heap.

Given the right treatment, amaryllis bulbs will swell in size from one year to the next and as they mature will produce extra flower spikes, so it’s a great shame to miss out on their continued development. As it grows give the plant a liquid feed fortnightly and keep the soil moist as this helps the bulb lay down new stores of food and recover after putting so much energy into producing flowers.

After the blooms have faded strappy foliage emerges, which also feeds the bulb through photosynthesis. In late spring keep the plant outside in full leaf until late summer in a semi- shaded position. The bulb needs to experience a slight drop in temperature in order to re-flower, which can usually be achieved during lower night temperatures at the end of the summer.


Chunky bulbs give fat buds unfurl to display breathtaking trumpetshaped blooms


Given the right treatment, amaryllis bulbs will swell in size from one year to the next

The bulb needs to experience a slight drop in temperature in order to re-flower, which can usually be achieved during lower night temperatures at the end of the summer

After this, cease watering and allow the bulb to thoroughly dry out in a frost-free shed or greenhouse. It will lose its leaves and be forced into a state of dormancy. Bring it back into the house around the end of October and pot up into fresh compost. The increased temperature will kick-start the bulb back into life.

Amaryllis can be planted anytime between October and February. Count back eight weeks from special dates such as Christmas, Easter and Mothering Sunday and you can be sure of fine displays for these events. For a sumptuous display, plant a few of the same variety in a well-chosen container and artistically place some twiggy sticks between the flowers to lend support to the top-heavy stems.

Leave just a couple of centimetres around each bulb. Single bulbs will need regular turning of the pot to stop them growing towards the light and a sturdy stick for support. Should they topple over, rescue the bloom and place in a vase.


In late spring keep the plant outside in full leaf until late summer in a semi- shaded position

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