How to live longer - the four unusual steps to a longer life

THE life expectancy of the average Brit is around 83 years old for females and 79 years old for males - but what can you do to extend your life beyond these averages?

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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Life expectancy is a variable measure which is different for each person. While genetics and environmental factors both play a part in your lifespan, health is the driving force which determines . With everything from a to good mental health affecting how we live day-to-day, what extra steps can you take to extend your lifespan?

The coronavirus pandemic has threatened the life expectancy of millions of Brits as Covid-related deaths reduce the national average.

According to national health charity, The King’s Fund, life expectancy in England has seen two major changes in the past decade.

In 2011, increases in life expectancy slowed after decades of growth and in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic sparked another sharp decline.

Regarded as the most significant drop in life expectancy averages since World War 2, the coronavirus pandemic has left millions of Brits searching for ways to extend what can too-often be a short life - and these are the most unusual ways to maintain your health.

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Elderly man laughing, elderly women chatting

How to live longer - the four unusual steps to a longer life (Image: GETTY)

Infographic gives 5 ways to live longer

How to live longer - a healthy diet and plenty of exercise is key to a long life (Image: THE EXPRESS)

Eat more turmeric

When it comes to slowing the ageing process, natural herbs and spices offer a timeless solution to everything from wrinkles to a slower metabolism.

According to medically accredited website Healthline, turmeric is a great option for anti-ageing strategies because it contains a potent bioactive compound called curcumin.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of this orange spice are thought to help maintain brain, heart and lung function.

Turmeric is also known to protect against cancers and age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Having been consumed in Asian countries such as India for thousands of years, there are a host of recipes and teas which utilise this powerful spice which you can try at home.

Bowl of ground turmeric

How to live longer - Turmeric has been proven to slow the ageing process (Image: GETTY)

Embrace the power of plants

Vegetarianism and veganism have grown in popularity over recent years having been linked to climate change and a healthier lifestyle.

The western diet packed with processed foods, hidden sugar, high fat and lots of meat have all been linked to premature ageing and the development of cardiovascular diseases, says Healthline.

While the vegan diet is an extreme take on a plant-based diet, it has proven effective at lowering the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers - all of which can cause premature death.

One large review of vegans and vegetarians in the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, and Japan suggests that people who follow the vegan diet have a nine percent lower risk of death from all causes, compared with omnivores.

However, other studies in vegetarians in the United Kingdom and Australia report that they’re no more likely to live longer than non-vegetarians, says Healthline.

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Man and woman cycle on bikes in countryside laughing

How to live longer - happiness can come from socialising, exercise and self-care (Image: GETTY)

See the latest Covid vaccine stats below and visit InYourArea for all the Covid vaccine latest

Prioritise your happiness

The importance of mental health has come into stark focus since the beginning of the pandemic, with campaigns for transparency about mental health struggles and improved services paving the way for a more transparent system.

Happiness is directly linked to both diet and exercise which have both been proven to trigger the ‘happy hormone’, serotonin.

Managing stress, prioritising your happiness and taking time for yourself both mentally and physically have all been linked to a longer life, says Healthline.

In fact, one study published by the National Library of Medicine found that happier individuals are 3.7 percent less likely to experience an early death than those considered ‘unhappy’.

Learn a second language

Just 38 percent of Britons are known to be able to fluently speak a second language, making the British nation one of the world’s worst when it comes to modern foreign languages - but it could also be contributing to a declining life expectancy.

Alzheimer’s and dementia is predicted to affect one person every three minutes by 2040, but with the right nourishment and prevention, this debilitating disease can be stopped.

One study conducted by Dr Fergus Craik and others of the Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, found in a study of 200 patients that those who had spoken two or more languages for many years had delayed onset of Alzheimer’s for, in some cases up to five years.

Maintaining a strong brain function by regularly problem solving and intellectual challenges are just one way to increase feelings of overall fulfilment while preserving this vital organ.

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