Dental implants: The five signs you should consider this ‘discreet’ oral treatment

DENTAL IMPLANTS are a discreet solution to replace damaged or missing teeth, but how can you know if they will work for you? These are the five signs that you should consider dental implants.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Scarlett Moffatt shows off her ‘temporary teeth’

A missing is more than just a cosmetic problem. In fact, it could increase the risk of gum disease and other severe infections in the mouth. implants offer a long-term replacement for missing and damaged teeth, but when is the right time to get them? reveals the key signs that you should consider dental implants, and the best options available to choose from.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a small titanium screw which is positioned into the jawbone and becomes a permanent fixture in the mouth.

Speaking to, Mr Stephen Barter, specialist in oral surgery and head of clinical operations at Bupa DentalCare said: “Dental implants are a long-term, discreet solution to replace missing or failing teeth.

“The screw is gently and precisely placed into a carefully planned position in the jawbone, effectively replacing a missing tooth root.

“It is normally allowed to heal undisturbed for the next six to twelve weeks, during which the bone fuses to the implant.”

Smiling with teeth, pulling mouth open

Dental implants: The five signs you should consider this ‘discreet’ oral treatment (Image: GETTY)

Dental implant screw

Dental implants: There are four main types of dental implant treatment (Image: GETTY)

What are the signs that you need dental implants?

You have one or more teeth missing

Dental implants are most commonly used to remedy missing or damaged teeth, but why is it so important to replace problematic gaps and damage in the mouth?

According to Mr Barter, dental implants provide a solution to both your ability to chew as well as smile, serving a medical and cosmetic purpose.

He said: “Missing teeth can have detrimental impacts on your oral health and on your quality of life.

“Perhaps most obviously, the impact on your appearance from a visible gap can really affect your confidence in social situations, but missing teeth or loose dentures can also affect your ability to chew your food properly, causing digestive problems in some cases.”

While loose or missing teeth is just one sign you could benefit from dental implants, there are a number of other indicators to look for.

Fitting dental implants

Dental implants are made to resemble your natural teeth as closely as possible (Image: GETTY)

You have a bridge or crown that keeps falling out

Falling bridges and crowns can be a major inconvenience, and can often become less reliable with time.

Once a bridge or crown has been re-fixed, the initial bond strength is compromised, and it always has a risk of loosening again.

Dental implants provide a more permanent solution and can even last for a lifetime if properly cared for.

You have a severely cracked tooth or a broken tooth that cannot be saved

Though dentists will strive to preserve as much of your natural tooth structure as possible, some damage is beyond repair.

While a dental crown is a good way to restore the functionality of your smile, a dental implant is often a better option in the event of a tooth extraction.

This discreet treatment looks and works just like your natural teeth so it is often easy to forget you have had implants fitted.

Woman having dental treatment

Dental implants: Good oral hygiene is essential to prevent tooth loss (Image: GETTY)

You are starting to experience bone loss in the jaw

Missing teeth can lead to the erosion of jaw bone tissue in place of the existing root.

Over time, this can lead to a shrunken appearance in the mouth, which is common amongst denture-wearers.

Dental implants work well to combat this by acting as artificial tooth roots once they are screwed in and bonded with the bone tissue.

Your face looks sunken-in around your jaw

This sunken appearance can happen for the same reason as bone loss in the jaw, and it all comes down to an absent tooth.

Dentures do not stimulate bone growth in the same way that implants do, so the jaw continues to deteriorate over time and leave this caved-in effect around the mouth.

Swapping loose-fitting dentures for long-term implants offers secure prosthetic teeth in the mouth, making chewing and talking much easier.

Woman checks teeth in mirror

Dental implants have both medical and cosmetic benefits (Image: GETTY)

What are the different types of dental implants?

Implants in the mouth can be used to replace just one, or even an entire row of broken or absent teeth.

There are four main types of dental implant treatments, with at least one option to suit every patient.

Single and multiple implants

Singular and multiple implants use small titanium screws which are directly placed into the jawbone.

Once the screw has healed and fused with the surrounding bone, a replacement tooth is placed on top of the screw to match the rest of your natural teeth.

According to Mr Barter, it usually takes between four and nine months to have implant treatment, depending on the initial situation.

Implant supported bridges

This treatment is sometimes recommended to restore multiple missing or failing teeth in a row as an alternative to individual implants or traditional bridges.

Mr Barter said: “The implants are first placed into the jawbone and once these have fused with the bone, the bridge is placed on top of the implants, thus securing it in place.

“Treatment time usually takes four to nine months, but varies from one person to another.”

Implant-retained dentures

Also known as ‘clip in’ dentures, implant-retained dentures are conventional dentures that are firmly attached to dental implants.

This treatment is offered to patients who have none, or at least very few of their own natural teeth left, or have lost so much bone that it is not possible to provide fixed teeth.

Smile in a day treatment

Sometimes known as ‘teeth in a day’ or full mouth dental implants, the smile in a day technique is often used for people who have lost, or are about to lose, all of their remaining teeth.

According to Mr Barter, this involves replacing all of the teeth in one jaw using four or six implants, which then have temporary teeth attached to them until a final bridge is fitted.

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