Diabetes type 2: The 'best' chocolate to manage high blood sugar – the facts

Diabetes: Can you eat chocolate? (Image: Getty)

IF YOU have diabetes, can you enjoy a bar of chocolate? Is "diabetic" chocolate a safe alternative? Here are the facts you need to know.

By Chanel Georgina, Senior Reporter

Diabetes UK show how to test feet for diabetic feet sensitivity

First, leading charity Diabetes UK assured that "you can eat chocolate", but moderation and low frequency is key. Eating the whole lot "in one go" is a no-no. Chocolate will affect your blood sugar levels, as it's high in sugar and saturated fat. Moreover, eating too much chocolate will lead to unintentional weight gain.


As such, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar will be more difficult to manage.

"On average chocolate confectionery contains 50g sugar per 100g," Diabetes UK noted.

The charity added that people's free sugar intake should be less than 30g.

Thus, by eating a whole chocolate bar, you are exceeding the maximum amount of sugar you should be consuming.

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What about "diabetic" chocolate?

Diabetes UK does not recommend "diabetic" chocolate, which is just as high in fat and calories as normal chocolate.

"It can still raise blood sugar levels and is often more expensive than regular chocolate," the charity added.

What chocolate is the best chocolate?

According to the charity "good-quality dark chocolate" that is at least 70 percent cocoa is the "best".

To help prevent you from gorging on chocolate – no matter the cocoa percentage – it helps to decide how much you're going to eat and then to put it away.


What is high blood sugar? (Image: Express)
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Does excess sugar cause diabetes?

Dietitian Douglas Twenefour said: "Diabetes is a complex condition, so we cannot simply say it is caused by eating sugar."

However, people at risk of diabetes are advised to follow a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat, sugar and salt.

This is also true for people who already suffer from the high blood sugar condition.

Experts at Harvard Health said diabetics would need to "pay special attention" to their carbohydrate consumption.

Symptoms of high blood sugar (Image: Express)

Refined carbohydrates, for example, will likely cause sugar spikes.

Examples of refined carbohydrates include white bread, white rice, and pastries.

Meanwhile, fruits, vegetables and whole grains provide more nutrition and are digested more slowly in the body.

Slower digestion means that there will be a more moderate rise in blood sugar.

Best snacks for diabetics

If you decide that you still fancy a treat, but don't want the dangers of consuming too much chocolate, what can you eat?

Diabetes UK recommends a handful of seeds, such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Alternatives include carrot and celery with salsa or hummus, frozen unsweetened yoghurt, or unsalted nuts.

If you find yourself reaching for snacks when you're bored, emotional or nervous, recognise the behaviour and take steps to alter it.