Cures for hiccups and radioactive jabs: Dr Rosemary Leonard answers your medical queries

THIS week family GP Dr Rosemary Leonard explains the causes of hiccups and the dangers of iodine injections

dr rosemary leonard, health, hiccups, radioactive jabs, cancer, advice, health, diet, medicine, doctor, medical, expert, tips, information, After having radioactive injections, patients are kept in hospital until the radiation has gone[ALAMY]

Q: What is the best cure for persistent hiccups?

Hiccups are caused by sudden contractions of the diaphragm, the muscle sheet that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity.

It’s a reflex action which you can’t control yourself. Most people have hiccups occasionally, often linked to eating or drinking too fast, sudden excitement or a change in temperature such as having a cold shower.

More persistent hiccups can be caused by some medications including steroids, sedatives and painkillers that contain opiates such as codeine or tramadol.

Hiccups can be linked to an underlying problem. The most common cause is acid reflux from the stomach up to the throat and this can be treated with drugs that reduce acid.

Changes in the levels of certain minerals in the blood such as a high calcium level can also cause hiccups, as can a high blood sugar level.

Less commonly persistent hiccups can be caused by a chest infection or an erratic heartbeat.

If no treatable underlying cause can be found drugs that relax the diaphragm or its nerve supply can be helpful, such as baclofen or gabapentin.

Q: Recently I was sitting next to someone who a few days previously was given radioactive iodine injections for thyroid cancer. I gave her a hug.

I’ve since read that people who have had these injections should stay five feet away from people for a week because the radiation emitted may affect other people.

How dangerous is it and what are the long-term effects?

Radioactive iodine treatment is used to treat some types of thyroid cancer.

Iodine is required for production of thyroid hormone and is picked up by normal and cancerous thyroid gland cells.

Radiation in the radioactive form of iodine kills cancer cells.

The treatment is given by mouth and anyone having it does become radioactive for a few days so they are kept in hospital in an isolated room.

Levels are monitored and they are allowed out only when the radiation has fallen to a safe level, usually between four and seven days later.

Some patients will be advised to limit contact afterwards with children or pregnant women as exposure to radiation at a young age has been linked with a risk of developing leukaemia.

Contact with normal healthy adults should not be a problem.

You need not be concerned.

If you have a question for Dr Rosemary please write to her in confidence at The Northern & Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN or email [email protected] Dr Rosemary’s reply will appear in this column. 

She cannot enter into personal correspondence and, due to the volume of letters, cannot reply to everyone. Find out more about Dr Rosemary at

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