Dementia news: Learning new skills can help fight condition, say experts

LEARNING a host of new skills as people get older is the best way to ward off dementia, experts have said.

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Learning a host of new skills as people get older is the best way to ward off dementia

Taking up tai chi, tackling foreign languages, socialising more and volunteering are some of the best ways to keep the mind firing as the years advance. 

The research findings give hope to millions of Britons who fear dementia is an inevitable consequence of age. 

James Goodwin, Age UK’s chief scientist, said: “In the same way that you need to maintain exercise for physical strength, you need to participate in mentally stimulating activities to support the health of your brain. 

“Decline is not inevitable and there are plenty of activities that we can start today that can provide benefits for brain health. Our minds, after all, are the essence of our aspirations, passions, capacities and personalities – they make us who we are.” 

The report by the Global Council on Brain Health revealed that “brain training” with crosswords or sudoku puzzles actually has no noticeable benefit on thinking ability with evidence of their benefit on cognitive health “weak to non-existent”. 

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The research findings give hope to millions of Britons

Grandad Dementia and Me: 'You're NOT SAFE anymore nan'

But there are plenty of other activities that can help keep brains sharp as long as people find new ways to challenge the way they think. 

Use it or lose it

Dr Rosa Sancho

Examples include photography classes, investigating genealogy and physical activities like dancing or tennis. 

Dr Rosa Sancho, of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Use it or lose it – that is essentially the key finding of this new report, which also highlights that it is never too early or late to start looking after your brain. 

“By bringing together existing evidence, the report has shown that it is the variety of mentally stimulating activities, as well as how much you enjoy them or find them challenging, that may be most crucial to supporting a healthy brain. 

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Taking up tai chi and tackling foreign languages may help stave off the condition

“Mentally stimulating hobbies are thought to help our brains to be more resilient to the effects of the marching of time and may help to delay the onset of age-related conditions such as dementia.” 

The report comes after separate research showed that mental stimulation through work or learning was the best way to beat dementia.

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Socialising more often can help keep brains sharp

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of the disease and now affects 850,000 people in the UK. 

Researchers have claimed that taking on more responsibility in middle age could help create a “buffer” to beat dementia.


  • Learn a language
  • Try tai chi
  • Fotografie
  • Investigate your ancestry
  • Volunteering
  • Dancing
  • Tennis
  • Learn to play an instrument
  • Cooking
  • Gardening

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