St Patrick's Day 2019 date: When is St Patrick's Day? Who was St Patrick?

ST PATRICK’S Day is just around the corner with parades, celebrations and the colour green but when exactly is St Patrick’s Day? Why is St Patrick important to Ireland?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

US president welcomes Irish PM on St Patrick s Day

St Patrick’s Day is an official Christian feast day observed by the Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church. There are parades, churchgoing and often those celebrating choose to wear the colour green. In some areas, the day is also a public holiday - meaning time off work to observe the feast day. 

When is St Patrick's Day?

St Patrick’s Day falls on March 17 each year and this year this is on a Sunday. 

The day was recognised as an official feast day in the early 17th century held on what is widely believed to be the date St Patrick has died. 

The day is often celebrated with eating drinking and dancing - as Lenten restrictions were historically lifted for this day. 

There are parades festivals traditional Irish music sessions and celebrators often wear predominantly green clothes.

Read More: Top 10 facts about St Patrick

St Patricks Day 2019

St Patricks Day 2019: Which day does St Patrick's Day fall on this year? (Image: GETTY)

Who was St Patrick?

St Patrick was a Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland during the 5th century.

His father was a deacon, and his grandfather a priest in the Christian church - and Patrick was believed to be from a wealthy Romano-British family. 

Most of what is known about Patrick is from his own work the Declaration. 

In the Declaration, Patrick was reportedly kidnapped from Wales by Irish raiders and taken to Gaelic Ireland as a slave. 

St Patricks Day 2019

St Patricks Day 2019: St Patrick found God whilst working as a shepherd in Ireland (Image: GETTY)

Patrick spent six years working as a shepherd in Ireland and found God during this time. 

According to the Declaration, God told Patrick to escape to the coast - where he could board a ship that was waiting for him. 

After travelling home, Patrick then became a priest and later returned to Ireland in order to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. 

The Declaration states he spent many years evangelising in the northern half of Ireland - converting “thousands” in the process. 

St Patricks Day 2019

St Patricks Day 2019: People around the world celebrate the day (Image: GETTY)

This evangelisation was turned into a metaphor in which Patrick allegedly drove ’snakes’ out of Ireland (however Ireland did not ever have any snakes).

St Patricks Day is a national day in Ireland, becoming an official public holiday in 1903. 

Shamrocks and green colours are worn, and houses and businesses decorated with the colour - as St Patrick allegedly used a shamrock to explain the holy trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to the Pagans. 

Often depictions of St Patrick show him with a cross in one hand, and a shamrock in the other.

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