Millions of forward-planners have made New Year's resolutions - to help better the world

Millions of forward-planners have made their New Year's resolutions - with making changes to support family and communities one of the stand-out themes for 2022. A survey of 2,000 UK adults found the common resolutions, such as increased investment in physical, mental, and financial health, still top the list of changes people are intent on making in the New Year.

New Year's resolution trends discussed by CNN's Harry Enten

But for many these resolutions now go beyond simply benefiting the individual.

Beyond purely personal goals, for many, a better future involves society as a whole

Jonny Black, abrdn strategic director

In fact, over half (57 percent) recognise their ability to have an impact on bettering the world and giving back to their community in 2022.

And just under half (44 percent) stated the importance they are putting on helping others in the New Year where they can.

Three in five think that taking care of their own finances in 2022 could enable them to support others, while 35 percent intend to donate to charity.

A tenth will look to support more community projects, while a further one in ten want to use their skills to help people in the long run.

Jonny Black, strategic director at global investment company abrdn, which commissioned the research, said: "As we head into the New Year, it’s the perfect time for people to reassess their priorities and plans for the future.

"And beyond purely personal goals, for many, a better future involves society as a whole.

"Based on our latest research of what matters most to people today, this is clearly something more of us than ever are opening our eyes to."

Over half recognise they can better the world

Over half recognise their ability to impact the world and their community for the better (Image: Anna Blazhuk/Getty Images)

Recycling is the most common community resolution

The most common resolution for the community is to recycle more (Image: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)

The study found that while making changes to help those around them is clearly a top priority, people still have a number of resolutions that are focused on improving their own wellbeing.

These lifestyle upgrades include wanting to go on more holidays (37 percent) and spending more time with family and friends (35 percent).

Meanwhile one in three (33 percent) plan to read more, and 21 percent want to get away from their phones more.

The driving force for almost half (48 percent) to invest in themselves in the coming year is because "life is short".

It also emerged as many as 44 percent named sorting their finances as their most important goal for 2022 - with better budgeting of cash, and plotting a financial future, among their aims.

Almost seven in ten believe that investing in their financial health in the New Year will have a direct impact on their happiness and wellbeing, according to the OnePoll figures.

Brits also want to spend more 'me' time and read

Brits also want to spend more 'me' time and read more (Image: Tim Robberts/Getty Images)

Nearly half (45 percent) are exploring how they can invest money to grow their finances in 2022, with 36 percent previously being deterred because they don’t trust the risks that come with investing.

Four in ten see the New Year as the perfect time to invest as they have been able to put more aside recently and want to see their savings grow, while 35 percent believe investing is important for their future.

Jonny Black, from abrdn, added: "As they say, "the best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is now", which is one of the most telling things when it comes to investing in your future - whether that be your health, finances or something beyond a personal goal.

"As we head into 2022, we want to help our customers see that when they invest in good things, good things can happen.

"Our approach is to demonstrate the opportunities available when it comes to finances and the wider impact this could have on more than just one individual."


  1. Recycle more
  2. Donate things you don't need to charity/others
  3. Reduce your plastic usage
  4. Reduce food waste
  5. Reduce your carbon footprint
  6. Give money to charity
  7. Change habits that are bad for the environment
  8. Swap plastic bottles for the reusable alternatives
  9. Care more about the planet
  10. Grow your own fruit and veg
  11. Give food donations
  12. Use eco-friendly cleaning products
  13. Learn more about climate change
  14. Try to help more people
  15. Use eco-friendly hygiene products
  16. Use public transport more
  17. Care more about people
  18. Help your neighbours
  19. Stop using single-use coffee cups
  20. Clean up your neighbourhood i.e. picking up rubbish


  1. Spend more time with family
  2. Go on more holidays
  3. Mehr lesen
  4. More "me" time
  5. Spend more time with friends
  6. Plan for the future financially
  7. Keep a closer eye on your finances
  8. Spend more time on an existing hobby
  9. Treat yourself more often
  10. Budget more
  11. Surround yourself with like-minded people
  12. Make new friends
  13. Spend less time on your phone
  14. Watch less TV
  15. Eat out more
  16. Pick up a new hobby/skill
  17. Go to the gym
  18. Take more time off work
  19. Meditate more
  20. Get a new job

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