'I love my wife but her affair has shattered my world – should I leave her?'

Johnny* and June* have been together since their early 20s, they share three small children under the age of eight, and now their world is about to implode.

By Chanelle Georgina, Senior Reporter

Man with head in his hands sitting on park bench

Johnny is devastated about his wife's infidelity (Image: Getty)

"I've been with my wife since almost 20 years and married for seven," Johnny shared to the social media platform Reddit.

Affirming that he, himself, is a "fairly intelligent, professional, fit and very active, adventurous and well-travelled man" who is in disbelief of his wive's affair.

"I cook, clean, organise, plan, and finance my family's life and until now, thought it was a good life and we were all happy." Johnny asserted that they were "always going on amazing trips, hosting parties [and] family events" in their day-to-day real life.

He considers himself "a good husband" who loves his wife and "thought she loved me". Johnny revealed: "She's a creative and a fabulous musician. However it's a tough way to earn a living no matter how talented and good looking one is - and she's both of these.

"For the past five years she's only made pocket money working as a performer, usually one night per week. I was happy to support her, go to gigs when she had anxiety, buy equipment... etc etc, etc."

The only "tension" Johnny could think of was the housework; working full-time, and the children being at school, he expected June to clear up the house.

"I just wanted to come home from work and not find the same coats, shoes, laundry, toys, and general 'stuff' in exactly the same place as it had been at 8am," he said.

"On weekends she sleeps until noon while I entertain our children. I know when she's awake because I'll receive a text that says, 'coffee.'"

Johnny noticed June had become cold towards him – "it was like a light went out" – but no matter how extra kind, considerate, or helpful around the house Johnny made himself, June revealed she "felt nothing" unless she was on the road, travelling.

"This went on for another month or so and, of course, I became more and more concerned and suspicious," said Johnny.

Top view of woman laying on bed in bad mood

June doesn't like to get out of bed until noon at the weekends (Image: Getty)

"I discovered through sleuthing that she is 100 percent cheating with another guy... I won't go into details on how I found out."

Disclosing that he saw more than he ever wished to, he quipped: "The only bright side is I've been barely able to eat for the past month."

Feeling sick to his stomach, he wonders if June still loves him; if so, maybe he could forgive her. "However, the angry side in me wants to pack her stuff and drop it off at the other guy's house," he fumed.

"Do I say nothing about what i know and try my best to bring her back to me emotionally?" he asked.

*Names have been changed.

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