‘I met a girl online we get on well but I'm not attracted to her’

One person has shared their dating dilemma on Reddit after meeting online.

By Chloe Dobinson, Lifestyle Reporter

Dating apps have become the norm in meeting someone nowadays (Image: Getty)

Dating seems to have moved online with apps taking over the relationship game.

Have you ever used a dating app? While there are endless ones to choose from nowadays, there are many singletons using them to look for love.

One person has shared their dating dilemma on Reddit after meeting online.

In a thread titled: ‘Hi I 22M met a girl 20F online, we bonded with each other and we have so much in common, she likes me a lot and I do like her a lot too, but when she sent me her picture I was disappointed, I don't find her attractive at all, what should I do?’


There are tons of dating apps out there (Image: Getty)

The post stated: “As the title says, I don't deserve her I am an a*****e, I really like her personality she is the best, I really like how she treats me and how she talks to me, she is really clingy and I like that a lot about her, but I just don't find her attractive, I am sorry but my standards are not even high I swear.

"I am more of a face guy if she is just a little bit cute I would fold, but if I want to date or talk to someone would have marriage on my mind, and I don't see myself like living with her for the rest of my life, I am sorry I don't know what to do, I don't want to hurt her feelings, I don't want her to change because I told her she is not attractive to me I don't want to f*** her up mentally and all.

“After all, she said that she trusts me, I don't want to be the ex that she gets trauma from, because she is loveable, I really like her and I think I love her but I can't, I swear I don't know what to do I am sorry, I have tears in my eyes, I feel like s***, it's my problem in the first place I hit on her and flirted really hard till she just folded for me and now she trusts me I don't want her to feel bad, please.”

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Despite the couple getting on he isn't attracted to her (Image: Getty)

People took to the thread to share their dating advice and what the guy should do in this situation, with one person writing: “You need to break it off with her, but there's really no reason to tell her you aren't attracted to her. Just say you've realised you don't want to date long distance or something and quit talking flirtatiously with her.”

Another said: “As I girl, just tell her how you feel about her (before seeing me the pic) then politely tell her you're just not ready. I don't really want her feelings to be hurt about her looks.”

A user simply commented: “Stop talking to her and let her find someone else.”

A fourth person suggested: “Tell her that you had a great time talking to her but you just got drafted and have to go fight in the war. Then stop replying.”

Another advised: “Time is the one thing neither of you can get back. Just let her know that you didn't think it's going to work, apologize for wasting her time and move on.”

Finally, a user advised: “You know there is more to a long-term relationship than just attraction right?

"She is ticking a lot of boxes for you and I have to ask have you even seen her dolled up? Or glow up?”

What do you think the person should do in this situation? Let us know in the comments.