The Saturday briefing: knowledge is power

IS THERE anything you are desperately yearning to know? Are there any pressing factual disputes you would like us to help resolve? This is the page where we shall do our best to answer any questions you throw at us, whatever the subject.

Nelson's columnGETTY

Nelson's column was built between 1840 and 1843 to commemorate Admiral Horatio Nelson

IS THERE a staircase inside Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square? I seem to recall seeing a photograph of a tea party held at the top in 1955. Penri Morgan, Barnet, Greater London

THERE is no staircase inside the column. However it has been scaled a few times, notably by John Noakes of Blue Peter in 1977 but I don’t think he had a tea party at the top.

The nearby Duke of York Column in Waterloo Place does have a spiral staircase of 168-steps and an observation platform at the top but these have been closed to the public for more than a century.

Nelson’s Pillar in Dublin also had a staircase. In 1955 (the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar) a group of Irish republican students hid inside and tried to destroy the statue with blowtorches.

In March 1966 the entire pillar was blown up by an IRA bomb.


Mizpah refers to a biblical watchtower

Can you help me with the meaning of the word mizpah? I know it has something to do with the Lord “watching over me” but that is all. Ronald J Dean, Upwood, Huntingdon

Amizpah is the Hebrew word for a watchtower. It occurs in Genesis 31v49, referring to a heap of stones erected to witness an agreement between Laban and Jacob meaning:“The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.”

More recently mizpah jewellery became the term for a coin-shaped pendant signifying an emotional bond between two people.

It was also often engraved on headstones in cemeteries.

In the 1920s or 1930s there was a cornflake-type cereal called Force. On its packet was the rhyme: “High o’er the fence leaps Sunny Jim; Force is then food that raises him.” Did this have any connection with Kellogg’s Cornflakes? Reg Sparkes, Havant, Hampshire

Force was a cereal made by the Force Food Company between 1901 and 2013. It was sold in Britain by AC Finken & Co, which was later bought by Rank Hovis McDougall.

A wheat-based product it had no connection with Kellogg’s famous Cornflakes.

The character of Sunny Jim was a hugely successful advertising gimmick created in the US in 1902 by writer Minnie Maud Hanff and artist Dorothy Ficken.

Sunny Jim was Jim Dumps, a hermit who gave up his gloomy ways when he was fed Force.

Can you tell me the name of the singer and the song in the TV advert for Premier Inns that features Lenny Henry? The lyrics open with the words “Here I go again”. Mrs AJ Hartwell, Banbury, Oxfordshire

The song is called Wonderful Life and it is sung by Katie Melua.

It is on sale as a charity single with all royalties going to Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity and The Children’s Hospital Charity which supports Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

It can be downloaded from iTunes.

A teller at an 'auto bank' in Romford, EssexGETTY - Pic posed by model

In 2015 wages in Britain overtook the national inflation rate

As a 15-year-old in 1946 I took a job as a junior clerk with one of the country’s large financial institutions. The starting salary was £75 a year. I wonder if you are able to calculate what this would be worth today. Incidentally, I stayed with the same company all my working life until I took early retirement in 1988. Geoffrey Courtney, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands

There is always a problem in comparing old sums of money with today’s prices.

In terms of purchasing power it would cost £2,778 today to buy what would have cost £75 in 1946.

That figure comes by comparing the Retail Price Index in 1946 with its value today.

However in terms of income £75 in 1946 would have been the equivalent of almost £14,000 today.

As you can see, thanks to a general rise in our Gross National Product, incomes have risen considerably faster than prices.


Beethoven died about 10 years before the emergence of Morse code

Beethoven's 5th Symphony begins with four notes in a rhythm which in Morse code represents the letter V, which in Roman numerals represents the number 5. Is this a coincidence? Mrs M Gillett, Hereford

Beethoven himself described the notes as representing “fate knocking at the door”.

But Morse code did not begin development until the late 1830s so Beethoven could not have intended any connection between his rhythm, V and 5.

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