What would YOU do if you had to sell your beloved car? Man's heartfelt eBay ad goes viral

WHEN you have children it's usually a joyous affair, but this man is more than a bit miffed.

Man sells car for childreneBay•GETTY

A man's had to sell his car because he's expecting twins

A man has revealed his true feelings about expecting twins with his wife after his car advert went viral. 

Andi Love, from Manchester, is devastated about having to let his "beauty" go because his wife is pregnant. 

The father-of-two, soon to be four, is the proud owner of a silver VW Golf. But with another two kids on the way, he and his wife will be needing a bigger car. 

On the listing, placed on eBay, Andi writes: "Yep that's right 'birthday treat weekend' has turned into the wife getting knocked up.

Man sells car for childrenGETTY

The father-of-two, soon to be four, is the proud owner of a silver VW Golf

This stunning one off beauty took me a lot of time, even more money and more effort to get her where she is...all gone...

Posted by Andi Love on Tuesday, 12 January 2016

"Big deal I hear you say it's 5 doors, good boot what's the problem.

"Well I've got 2 little savages already who I struggle to get to behave in the back and not touch my unblemished R alcantara upholstery."

But - to his surprise - Andi learned his wife was expecting twins, thus rendering the car useless for future family trips. 

The Manchester lad didn't hold back with his emotions as he spoke about his 'beautiful' car - and how feels about having to let it go. 

The car adverteBay

The Manchester lad didn't hold back with his emotions

He added: "At the scan the nurse is like congratulations it's twins. All I'm thinking is i'm gonna end up with a Picasso.

"So I'm screwed and have accepted the fact that with 4 kids including twins all under 6 i'm not going to be able to own a car like this for at least 20 years it's people carriers all the way…

"…and I'll probably be dead by then with all these kids so you're not getting it cheap, I've got 4 babies to feed after all."

Yikes. It seems his tears and heartfelt message has touched thousands of people as the car has already had 30 bids. 

The starting price was just 99p and it's now up to £8300. Only time will tell if Andi raises enough money to buy that Citroen Picasso he so badly dreams of. 

Woman orders table from eBay but gets something completely unexpected instead

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