The Saturday Briefing: Knowledge is power

IS THERE anything you are desperately yearning to know? Are there any pressing factual disputes you would like us to help resolve? This is the page where we shall do our best to answer any questions you throw at us, whatever the subject.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing ALLSTAR

Benedict Cumberbatch portrayed Alan Turing in the Imitation Game

Q I saw the film The Imitation Game and was wondering: if Alan Turing and his team had access to today’s computers, how long would it have taken them to break the Enigma code?

Terence Eastman, Plympton, Devon

A Surprisingly the answer is that today’s computers, using their code-cracking programs, would not be much faster, if at all, than the methods used at Bletchley.

With about 159million, million, million ways of arranging the settings on an Enigma machine, the trial and error way, used in most modern code-breaking, would take billions of years to reach an answer.

Turing’s “bombes” were not so much computers as electromagnetic machines designed to emulate the methods inherent in Enigma machines. They were much quicker than humans of course but heavily reliant on knowledge of the way Enigma worked and human intuition on what phrases might turn up at certain places in the messages.

In 2006 a project was started to decipher three wartime messages coded on Enigma that had never been decoded. Two were solved after a month or two but the third was finally decoded only in 2013.

Dean Windass scores INCREDIBLE goal for Hull City

Hull CityGETTY

You cannot fill out any of the letters in Hull City

Q Hull City is the only English League Football team that has no letters in its name that can be filled in with a pen. Can you explain this? 

Ron Peters, Bristol

A There are 18 letters in the alphabet that cannot be filled in but these do not include a, e or o, which are by far the most common vowels. At least one of these is present in the vast majority of Football League teams, so with b, d, g, p and q also excluded, it should be no real surprise that there is only one team with no letter that can be filled in.

A similar argument can explain why we should not be surprised that St John’s Wood is the only Tube station in London with no letters in common with the word mackerel or why Pimlico is the only station with no letter in common with hare or hear.

Man filming with his phoneGETTY

People often film events in portrait mode

Q Occasionally an item on TV news is split into three sections on the screen. The middle is clear but the outer sections are blurred. Can you tell me the reason for this? 

Edmund Perks, Ivybridge, Devon

A This happens most often when a news broadcast includes some amateur film captured on a mobile phone.

Most people, when using a phone for such a purpose, use it vertically rather than horizontally. Such film looks silly in the middle of a landscape TV screen so the TV companies show the film in the middle of the screen with the sides filled in with blurry, sometimes magnified versions of the original.

Chill WillsGETTY

Actor and singer Chill Wills was a member of the Avalon Boys Quartet

Q Was Chill Wills ever a member of the singing group the Avalon Boys in the Laurel and Hardy film Way Out West? 

Jack Poole, by email

A Theodore Childress Wills, to give him his full name, was indeed a member of the Avalon Boys Quartet and provided the deep voice for Stan Laurel’s acclaimed performance of Trail Of The Lonesome Pine in Way Out West in 1937.

He founded the Avalon Boys in 1938 to pursue his acting career and was nominated for an Oscar in 1960 for playing Davy Crockett’s friend Beekeeper in The Alamo. He was probably best known as the voice of Francis the Talking Mule in a series of films. He died in 1978 at the age of 76.

Little boy in the rainGETTY

A square metre of rain is roughly 0.6 square inches

Q I live on the Costa Blanca where we’ve been having some horrendous rain. The headlines are likely to read “15 litres of rain per square metre”. How do we convert this to good old Imperial “inches” please.

Jeff Waller, Alicante, Spain

A One litre of water is one thousandth of a cubic metre of water, so 15 litres over one square metre is a depth of 15 thousandths of a metre, which is 15mm. A millimetre is about 0.04 of an inch, so 15 millimetres of rain per square metre is about 0.6 of an inch.


Is there anything you can’t answer? Try us! You can ask a question: 

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