The spy who loved just too many men: A look into what really lay behind Mata Hari's death


Mata Hari was an exotic dancer and double agent

MATA HARI is a byword for intrigue and glamour. Now a new book reveals what really lay behind her death.

As 19th-century letters to fiancés go, Mata Hari’s to her army officer written in 1895 was outrageously racy.

“You ask me if I’m longing to do crazy things? Well, rather 10 times than only one. Go on, you know that in several weeks I shall be your wife. What luck that we both have the same ardent temperament.”


However marriage to Dutch Captain Rudolf MacLeod, who had advertised in a newspaper for a wife to join him in the East Indies, was to prove a disaster.

It led Mata to seek a new life as an exotic dancer and double agent – an act that saw her executed 100 years ago this autumn.

When she arrived at Folkestone she gave contradictory statements, refused to answer questions and stared back at them with a smirk on her face

Mary Craig - Author

Now a new book reveals that the British secret service may have had a hand in gathering evidence that led to her death.

The self-styled Mata Hari – who was born Margaretha Geertruida in the Netherlands in August 1876 – was a rich girl whose father bankrupted himself and then abandoned her following her mother’s death when she was 15. She was seeking emotional and financial security but MacLeod offered neither.

Far from being a good catch he was in fact a penniless womaniser. Worse than that Mary Craig, author of the new biography of the infamous dancer who was executed as a spy, believes it likely that MacLeod gave her syphilis.

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He was certainly an alcoholic who regularly beat her and openly kept a concubine. The marriage ended following the death of their son Norman who was poisoned by his nanny.

Divorce may have given her custody of her daughter Non and an allowance but MacLeod’s poor treatment of his ex-wife continued when he reneged on the payments and took Non away.

When Mata became an artist’s model in a bid to support herself MacLeod used that to blacken her reputation with her family.

Short on options she turned to exotic dancing in Paris and was soon working as a high-class prostitute “although she would never admit as much”, says Craig.


Mata Hari – who was born Margaretha Geertruida in the Netherlands in August 1876

Mata Hari was an instant success and described as “feline” with the “thousand curves and movements of her body trembling in a thousand rhythms”.

Although an untrained dancer she appealed to men drawn to the exotic. She was 5ft 9in at a time when the average Dutch woman was 5ft, olive-skinned rather than fair, and she was very interested in sex.

At 16 she had embarked on a relationship with the 51-year-old headmaster of the school where she had been sent to study to become a kindergarten teacher (a subject that did not interest her at all).

However, as Craig points out, she could have remained a halfforgotten member of France’s “grande horizontales” were it not for the First World War and her disastrous decision to become embroiled in espionage.

What happened next was part farce and part tragedy, a situation that ended in her execution on October 15, 1917 after a perfect storm of events.

Recruited as a spy by both the Germans and the French, the naïve Mata – codenamed H-21 – was also almost recruited by the Russians.

But the harmless fantasies and lies she had told on stage, coupled with her determination to survive financially owing to her disastrous marriage, had become part of the deadly game of double agents during wartime.

WWI 'spy' Mata Hari brought to life in new Dutch ballet

Struggling with the huge cost of war the French authorities needed to catch a spy. “Mata Hari – the dancer, the courtesan, the fantasist – became the prize catch,” says Craig.

But while working as a double agent she never realised that she had been placed under surveillance by Britain’s MI5.

Craig studied newly released archive papers and discovered that the British had notified the French of their concerns two years before she was executed at the age of 41. Evidence of her alleged treachery was covertly passed from Britain to Georges Ladoux, France’s spy chief who recruited Mata to uncover German secrets.

Fears among British officials were first raised when she gave contradictory accounts when interrogated by MI5 after arriving by ship in Folkestone, Kent, in 1915.

Mata was sent back to France but MI5 kept watching her and reports sent to London by British agent Richard Tinsley that year revealed she was in financial trouble and had been paid 15,000 francs by the German embassy in her native Netherlands.

His report stated: “She is suspected of having been to France on an important mission for the Germans.”

While under surveillance Mata travelled to Spain and met the German military attaché who gave her 3,500 francs, a gift that was her downfall. The French decoded messages about a German agent codenamed H-21 being paid that sum in Spain.

Mata was arrested for espionage by the French at the Elyseé Palace Hotel and put on trial. She was found guilty of revealing details about the Allies’ new weapon: the tank.


Mata Hari may have been a German spy, she may also have been an innocent victim of the spy mania

The leaks by her, whose lovers included high-ranking offi cers of numerous nationalities, were said to have resulted in the deaths of thousands of soldiers.

But Craig believes Mata was misunderstood and that it was the British and their suspicions of her that sealed her fate, rather than any actions by Mata herself.

She suggests it was her love of sex, at a time when female sexuality was still taboo, that was the real reason for her downfall – coupled with her poor treatment by both her father and her husband, which had forced her into an impossible situation.

“While she was dancing her behaviour, although outrageous, was relatively protected by being confined to the stage. When the Great War broke out the stage no longer offered that protection,” says Craig.

“A circular argument developed. Normal people did not commit crimes. Normal women did not enjoy sex. Therefore an abnormal person would by defi nition be sexually depraved and criminal. Mata fi tted the bill.”

Her reaction to questioning by the British only made things worse.

“When she arrived at Folkestone she gave contradictory statements, refused to answer questions and stared back at them with a smirk on her face,” says Craig.

Mata had once stated: “I love men, a strongly built male brought me to a state of ecstasy.” And that was part of the trouble. Mata was a woman who loved sex. In the staid world of formal decorum and etiquette when most women dressed in whale-bone corsets she broke all the rules.

“Mata looked the British authorities directly in the eye and was noted to be ‘a bold sort of woman’. The British actions in watching her skirted the edges of illegality.”

But they needed to catch a spy. Close to a million men had died or been injured on the battlefi elds. Morale was at an all-time low. Defeats were blamed on spies and spy mania swept across France. “Mata Hari may have been a German spy, she may also have been an innocent victim of the spy mania of 1917,” says Craig.

“She was certainly judged by the morality of the day to be sexually depraved and therefore criminal – the sort of person who would be a spy.”

A Tangled Web: Mata Hari – Dancer, Courtesan, Spy by Mary W Craig is published by The History Press (£20).