Trying for a baby gave me a nervous breakdown

TRYING to conceive can be a stressful time for many women. In fact recent research by Fertility Network revealed that when women struggle to get pregnant, levels of emotional distress are far higher than previously recognised.

Comedian Laura Lexx

FINGERS CROSSED... Comedian Laura Lexx’s struggle to conceive left her depressed (Image: Karla Gowlett)

Of the women questioned, 90 per cent were depressed with 42 per cent admitting they felt suicidal.

This heartache is something comedian Laura Lexx, 31, knows all too well. 

“My husband and I started trying and within a couple of months I was on antidepressants and in therapy for generalised anxiety disorder. 

“It didn’t go as smoothly as planned and I know it’s something lots of would-be parents suffer with,” says Laura, who lives with her husband Tom, 32, in Brighton. 

The couple met in 2005 at the University of Kent and quickly hit it off. 

They married in 2015 and shortly afterwards started trying for a baby. 

“I’m very family orientated and I always imagined I would have children of my own one day,” says Laura. 

“I’m one of four so I grew up as part of a six-person nuclear family. 

“That joy of having a lot of people around you all the time is something I want for the future.” 

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And it seemed like the perfect time in her career to have children. 

“I like a plan so I looked at my diary and pencilled in a year out to start a family. 

“Because I had a lot of writing jobs, I knew I could stop gigging as a comedian to be at home with the baby and work from home.” 

But like many couples Laura and Tom didn’t realise how tough it could be to conceive. 

“You know it could take a long time but you don’t necessarily realise that’s what will happen to you,” she admits. 

“I never thought it would be easy but I didn’t realise quite how difficult it could be. 

“Then we started trying and found ourselves struggling to conceive.” 

Within months the pressure started to affect Laura’s mental health. She became envious of friends who had children. 

“It’s always difficult when somebody else gets something that you want and I did start to feel jealous. 

pregnancy test

Laura was prescribed anti-depressants and referred for CBT due to stress of conceiving (Image: GETTY)

“But you have to remind yourself that there aren’t a limited number of babies in the world. It’s not like there’s a queue and everybody that gets one before you is eating into your chances of having one too.” 

To make matters worse, Laura found people weren’t always sympathetic when she told them about her struggle to have a child. 

“When I talked about motherhood, people would say, ‘Oh but obviously you’ve got your career, haven’t you?’ But although I do have a brilliant career as a comedian, which I love, a career and a baby are two different things. 

“There’s this idea that we should pick one or the other and that you can’t have both.” 

After three months of trying for a baby, Laura’s mental health deteriorated and she began to feel depressed and anxious.

“I was finding it very difficult to leave the house. I reached a point where I hadn’t thought about anything that wasn’t negative for months. 

“When your thoughts are obsessive like that, it’s a little bit like when you have got an ulcer or a cut in your mouth and your tongue just keeps poking it, finding the bit that hurts. 

“I couldn’t stop thinking about the pain I was in, even though I knew it was hurting me more.” 

As well as her depression about not being able to have a baby, Laura started to obsess about the idea of bringing a baby into an imperfect world. 

“The pressure of bringing a child into the world, or trying to, meant I was suddenly hyper-aware of all the problems in the world. 

“It’s very common for mums-to-be to start looking around at their home to make sure it’s safe but unfortunately for me I was looking at the world too, wondering how to fix it all by myself.” 

Laura became fixated on trying to solve the world’s environmental issues. 

Anything that wasn’t calm and natural sent me into a tailspin and I couldn’t remember what the point of my life was

Laura Lexx

“Suddenly I became very concerned about the environment. I was finding it very difficult to use electricity. I felt very uncomfortable in built-up areas, even though I live in the middle of a city. 

“Anything that wasn’t calm and natural sent me into a tailspin and I couldn’t remember what the point of my life was. So somebody having a drink from a plastic bottle and then throwing it away seemed completely mad. 

“I felt like I was the only person who was sane but actually my thoughts had become so obsessive that I wasn’t thinking healthily any more.” 

Laura’s bizarre obsession went unchecked for months, although her husband grew increasingly worried about her. 

Then one day, seven months after they’d started trying for a baby, she bumped into a friend she hadn’t seen in a long time. And as they chatted her friend became concerned about Laura’s mental health. 

“If you see somebody all the time, you don’t notice the things which happen gradually. But I hadn’t seen this friend in ages and she immediately worked out something was very wrong,” she says. 

“I told her I was struggling to do anything and she said, ‘This isn’t right, you’ve got to get help.’ That was the tipping point for me.” 

Laura confided in Tom and she agreed to see her GP. 

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“I was exhausted and ready to hand myself over to somebody else and say, ‘Please make this go away’.” 

Her GP prescribed antidepressants and referred Laura for cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). 

“Having CBT taught me to break down a problem or fear and focus on the parts that were within my control. 

“It’s all about putting mechanisms into your life that help you find the control again and that was such a wonderful relief.”

Five months after her breakdown Laura and her husband started trying for a baby again but this time they were determined not to put any pressure on themselves. 

“Although it’s been tough the whole experience made me appreciate my husband beyond belief,” says Laura. 

“I completely lost sight of why I was here and what our future would look like but he loved me anyway.” 

Now the couple are still trying for a baby but taking it one day at a time. 

“We’ve come to the conclusion that we will be relaxed about these things now. If it doesn’t happen, we might look at other options such as fertility tests to see if there’s a problem. 

“We’ve lightly explored adoption to see whether we like that idea and now I try very hard to just not pressure myself. 

“If one month I’m feeling very uptight and very much like I would like a baby this second, then I go with that feeling. But then other months I might feel differently.” 

And Laura has learnt to appreciate life without a baby. 

“For every month I don’t have this baby I try to remember it’s another month when I can focus on my career, or go out with the girls, or stay in bed until 10am on a Saturday with no guilt because there’s nobody to look after.”

Laura’s comedy show Trying, based on her experiences of struggling to conceive, will be at The Turret, Gilded Balloon Teviot in Edinburgh from August 1-14 and August 16-26. 

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Aileen Feeney, chief executive of Fertility Network, says: “Struggling and failing to conceive puts an enormous burden on an individual’s mental health. 

“The extreme emotional anguish people feel is rooted in the life crisis that infertility can trigger and the social isolation people commonly experience. 

“Families and children are everywhere and life can become very painful. 

“If someone is struggling, it’s vital they receive support. 

“What can help is knowing you are not alone and, if it’s possible, talking about how you are feeling. 

“Fertility Network has a free support line 0121 323 5025, we organise peer support groups online and face-to-face and have lots of information at”

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