Earth Overshoot Day 2018: What is Overshoot Day - why does the date go backwards?

EARTH Overshoot Day is today and the celebration marks the point in the year on which humanity has used more from the environment than Earth can renew. Why does the date go backwards every year?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Earth from Space

Earth Overshoot Day falls a day earlier than last year (Image: GETTY)

What is Earth Overshoot Day?

According to “The costs of this ecological overspending include deforestation; collapsing fisheries; fresh-water scarcity; soil erosion; biodiversity loss; and the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to climate change and more severe droughts, wildfires, and hurricanes. 

“These threats can produce desperation and force many people to migrate to cities or other countries.”

The day began to be observed in 1986 and is calculated by the Global Footprint Network. 

The Global Footprint Network is an international research organisation who monitor the environmental damage caused by humanity as well as our use of natural materials.

The day is calculated by dividing the world biocapacity (the amount of natural resources generated by the Earth that year) by the world’s ecological footprint (consumption of resources by humans).

The number is then multiplied by the number of days in a year - 365. 

Mathis Wackernagel, head of the organisation, said: “Fires are raging in the western United States; on the other side of the world, residents in Cape Town have had to slash water consumption in half since 2015. 

“These are consequences of busting the ecological budget of our one and only planet.

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“Our economies are running a Ponzi scheme with our planet. We are using the Earth’s future resources to operate in the present and digging ourselves deeper into ecological debt.”

Why does the date go backwards every year?

The use of the Earth’s resources is at unprecedented levels, with humans using more and more each year. 

Earth Overshoot Day falling on August 1 is the earliest it has ever fallen since records began in 1986. 

Last year the day fell on August 2, and in 2016 was recorded on August 8. 

ecological deficit map

This chart shows the ecological deficit around the world (Image: WORLD OVERSHOOT DAY)

Overshoot days by country

Each country has a different overshoot day based on their consumption rate (Image: WORLD OVERSHOOT DAY)

Humanity is using the Earth’s resources 1.7 times quicker than the planet can regenerate them. This equates to using up 1.7 earths.

The overuse of resources is due to an expanding population and increasing consumption rates.

There are things that we can do to prevent the date from moving backwards every year, as detailed on the Earth Overshoot Day official website. 

Sourcing local food and avoiding highly processed foods is one thing individuals can do to lower their Ecological Footprint.

Improvements to city planning, addressing climate change and adopting and strengthening “policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels,” will also move the date forward.

According to the group's footprint calculator, we can move the overshoot date by five days each year, falling on Dec. 31 by 2050, if we can adjust our lifestyles to be more eco-friendly.

Mr Wackernagel added: “It’s time to end this ecological Ponzi scheme and leverage our creativity and ingenuity to create a prosperous future free of fossil fuels and planetary destruction.”

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