Gas boiler ban - what are my options when switching to renewable energy?

RENEWABLE ENERGY has been on everyone's minds amidst the recent announcement of Ofgem energy price increases and the Government's 2035 boiler ban - but what's the real difference between the greener gas boiler alternatives?

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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Choosing the right energy system for your can be a tough decision with so many different options now on the market - and with the Government pushing for heat pumps and hydro-powered homes, it’s important to know how these options work before committing to a cleaner solution. spoke to the energy expert to dissect the cleaner alternatives which could put you on your way to being a low-emissions home.

Recent reports state that Ministers are set to back-pedal on plans to eliminate gas boilers from new homes by 2035.

The ‘gas boiler ban’ which was originally set out to be achieved by 2035 has been at the forefront of debate, amid fears that installation costs of the Government-backed heat pump could delay the nationwide switch to renewable energy.

What would a delay to the gas boiler ban mean for the UK?

Diluting plans to achieve the 2035 cut off for low-carbon heating systems, poses a huge risk to the already worrying levels of carbon emissions generated by UK homes.

Estimates suggest 14 percent of all CO2 emissions in the UK are produced by running our homes, with gas boilers making up the majority of these emissions.

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Gas boiler ban - what are my options when switching to renewable energy? (Image: GETTY)

Heat Pump

Gas boiler ban - what are my options when switching to renewable energy? (Image: Image supplied by Outfox the Market)

Delaying the switch to renewable energy is detrimental to reducing carbon emissions in line with the 2050 net-zero emissions target.

Speaking exclusively to, Keith Bastian, CEO of clean energy supplier Outfox the Market said: “It often seems that clean energy is presented as tomorrow’s solution in a world that needs answers today.

“It has been this way ever since I joined the heating industry 25 years ago; targets that would normalise clean energy are always decades from fulfilment - there is no reason that clean energy should not be thought of as being just as accessible, viable and available as electric cars are.”

How much would it really cost to go green?

Stepping away from CO2 is a costly venture, especially if you’re swapping out an existing gas boiler for a renewable system - but the long term benefits of environmentally sustainable energy can often far outweigh the initial expense.

Bedroom with radiator in

Gas boiler ban - what are my options when switching to renewable energy? (Image: Images supplied by Outfox the Market)

Outfox the Market believes that renewable alternatives are something that we should be considering now - rather than waiting for the distant future to arrive. By switching to renewable energy - like hydrogen power and heat pumps - households across Britain could also solve the Government’s gas boiler ban predicament, claimed Keith.

How much does a heat pump cost?

It is undeniable that heat pumps are an expensive solution to reducing carbon emissions and with the average heat pump system costing around £9,000 to £11,000 to install, it’s easy to see why the Government might be dubious about their 2035 gas-ban goal.

The commercial availability and easy installation of heat pumps is what makes this air powered system so appealing to the Government, having been branded as their (unofficially) preferred alternative to gas boilers.

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Gas boiler ban - what are my options when switching to renewable energy? (Image: GETTY)

Keith said: “The cost of purchasing and installing a heat pump has concerned the government enough to push back the boiler ban by five years in the hope costs will have fallen in that time.

“The other reason being heat pumps are not suitable to retrofit into most UK homes, unless substantial insulation methods are adopted, typically external wall insulation and floor insulation which will also cost a lot to achieve.”

  • Ground source heat pumps cost between £11,000 and £15,000
  • Air source pumps, the most common type, will cost around £5,000 - £8,000

The general consensus is that a lack of moving parts means consumers can expect a 15-25 year lifespan on their heat pump.

You can read more about heat pumps here.

Gas boiler ban - what are my options when switching to renewable energy?

Gas boiler ban - what are my options when switching to renewable energy? (Image: THE EXPRESS)

Hydrogen Boilers

Superficially, hydrogen boilers appear to be the perfect replacement for gas boilers says Keith Bastain, he added: “The heat output of hydrogen boilers matches that of gas boilers, and there is no carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide produced - hydrogen can also work with existing boilers, massively reducing costs and commercial infrastructure investment.”

Sadly the investment in hydrogen is lacking in comparison to other clean energy alternatives and hydrogen as a central heating system remains unknown as it is still essentially in the research stage.

Currently, there are two projects being run by the government to test the viability of hydrogen boilers. Experts believe that it is also likely that a technological solution to the flammability risk will be required.

Electric Heating

The advantages of electric heating far outweighs other clean energy alternatives, and there are very few disadvantages.

Electric heating is 100 percent efficient, according to Keith, as every watt of energy is converted into usable heat, providing effective and long-lasting warmth.

Benefits of electric heating

  • Dynamic direct acting storage radiators can be fitted just like any other radiator
  • Stored heat with temperature control - can be controlled via mobile apps
  • Easy to install
  • Zero maintenance
  • Automatic air temperature reaction functions - energy saving feature
  • 20-25 year life span
  • Similar to existing radiator systems - simple to upgrade
  • Very efficient - can massively raise the EPC score of your property

Speaking exclusively to, Keith said: “In 2009, I was certain that electric heating would one day replace gas boilers - eleven years later, I am resolute that electric heating will be crucial to achieving net zero; the drastic carbon cuts that are required would have to comprehensively involve a switch to electric radiators.

“I believe this is a cost effective, sustainable solution for most UK homes to retrofit without significant work and upheaval.

“In over two decades of experience in the heating industry, a better and more readily available clean energy solution is yet to present itself.”

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