How to keep your home safe in the run-up to Christmas: Home security tips you should know

CHRISTMAS is fast approaching and as many of us begin gathering gifts, decorating trees and travelling to see loved ones, our homes can become easy targets for observant criminals - but what can you do to keep your home safe this season?

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Morning Live: Expert shares advice for home security

is the most indulgent time of the year for many Brits, with thousands being spent on food decorations and gifts each year. As the nation enjoys the festive season, home burglaries are set to surge, with rates often peaking in the two weeks either side of December, 25.  spoke to home security expert Huz Member to find out exactly what you can do to keep your secure this Christmas.

How can I protect my home during Christmas?

Keeping our homes secure throughout the festive period is a real concern for many homeowners - especially as the nation celebrates a lockdown-free Christmas.

Speaking to, Huz Member, Director at Buildworld said: “As the Christmas period approaches, many people will be on a mission to complete their shopping and get organised ready for the big day.

“One of the best ways to create a festive feel within your home is to place wrapped Christmas presents under the tree, but this is an attractive look for potential thieves.”

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Home security alarm/ Christmas home/ burglar

How to keep your home safe in the run-up to Christmas: Home security tips you should know (Image: GETTY)

Burglar entering home at Christmas

In London alone, burglaries go up by 25 percent over the Christmas period (Image: GETTY)

In London alone, it has been reported home burglaries increase by around 25 percent over the Christmas period compared to other months of the year.

With homes filled with expensive gifts and festive treats, it’s important to take measures to deter burglars from our homes by doing more than just locking up.

Keep your Christmas tree away from the window

Huz told “Your Christmas tree is seen as a statement and the ultimate way to bring Christmas spirit into your home, so it’s inevitable you’ll want it to take pride of place, but it’s important that you keep the tree out of direct view from passers-by.”

A tree decked with extravagant lights and delicate decorations will undoubtedly attract the attention of mindless thieves, so keep presents away and your tree out of sight.

Window looking into Christmas home

Windows with expensive gifts in view will offer an insight to your home for thieves (Image: GETTY)

Install the right home security for your property

Home security doesn’t have to involve high tech apps and multiple cameras, but adding small CCTV installations at main entrances will make a world of difference to the security of your home.

Huz added: “Sadly, burglaries can’t always be prevented but having the right home security can reduce the chances of you falling victim to thieves significantly.

“CCTV cameras are one of the best solutions as you can monitor the inside and outside of your property at all times of the day.”

You could even install a fake camera for a fraction of the price - research has proven even the presence of a home security camera can act as an effective deterrent for unwanted visitors.

  • Smart home security like the Ring doorbell works best for larger properties and flats
  • Singular CCTV cameras are ideal for single entrance properties
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Christmas home

Bright Christmas trees can attract thieves to your home over the festive period (Image: GETTY)

Secure side gates

The winter weather can leave many of us favouring the warmth of our homes over the cold chill of our gardens.

With back gardens and side gates largely out of use over the festive period, many of us can forget to secure loose gates, fences and garage doors.

High winds and stormy spells can loosen your ‘secure’ side entrances, so it’s worth checking on your outdoor entryways.

It’s important to invest in some high-quality locks which will prevent people from being able to easily access your property via a gate, says Huz.

Man installs home CCTV camera

Installing home security systems will keep tabs on your home whether you're in or not (Image: GETTY)

Hide your gifts

Hiding gifts in the run-up to Christmas is half the battle when it comes to a busy household, but Huz stressed the importance of avoiding keeping those precious presents under the tree.

He said: "It’s vital we all protect our homes as much as possible but for some people, having presents under the tree over Christmas is a decorative statement.

“Consider storing your actual presents in the loft or cupboard and wrapping up empty boxes to put under the tree.

“This will put your mind at rest knowing the gifts you’ve bought with your hard-earned cash are stored away securely.”

Keep your home active

If you’re leaving home for this holiday season or have a particularly busy schedule in the run-up to Christmas, always make sure your home looks lively even if you’re elsewhere.

The best deterrent for thieves is your own presence, so don’t slack when it comes to opening and closing the curtains each morning or evening.

There are many other ways to keep your home looking busy when you’re not in, including:

  • Timed lamps - they will switch on and off during set periods
  • Leaving hallway lights on
  • Ask neighbours to move bins on the driveway to mimic daily activity
  • Leave your car on the driveway - use public transport to travel this Christmas
  • Ask a friend or neighbour to move any built-up post out of sight

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