‘You could damage the wall’: The five DIY trends Britons should avoid at all costs

DIY jobs can go wrong a lot of the times, especially when it is a large task. Luckily, DIY experts have revealed which five viral TikTok DIY trends Britons should not carry out themselves. They explained how one hack could cause "damage" to walls.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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Although TikTok has become a source of interior inspiration for DIY projects, experts have revealed that not all of the social media platform's hacks should be carried out. Experts at Toolstation asked over 100 trade professionals for their opinion on some of TikTok’s most popular and whether they would recommend using these methods or not. From using a resin ball to stop a water leak to removing a flow restrictor to improve shoer head pressure, the research shows that – when it comes to improvements – it is not a case of one size fits all.

The list of home improvements that many want to do in their home can seem never-ending and so, it is no wonder that much of the UK is looking for DIY shortcuts.

Whether Britons are looking to save money or time, TikTok can be a great place for DIY hacks for the home. 

But the danger with this is that they’re not always done by professionals and their advice might not always be given with longevity in mind.

Toolstation has taken some of the most viral TikTok hacks and surveyed their trusty panel of experts to find out which hacks should be avoided. 

Toolstation asked the professionals to provide commentary and alternate advice on the videos, so you can learn how to correctly carry out any tasks featured in the research.


‘You could damage the wall’: The five DIY trends Britons should avoid at all costs

‘You could damage the wall’: The five DIY trends Britons should avoid at all costs (Image: GETTY)

Britons should hire professionals to carry out any water pipe leaks

DIY hacks: Britons should hire professionals to carry out any water pipe leaks (Image: GETTY)

A spokesperson at Toolstation commented: “The Internet, especially places like TikTok, can be a great place when it comes to homeware hacks that can save time and money. 

“However, some of the more complex problems you might encounter in your home really require a professional to evaluate what the best course of action is. 

“We wanted to speak to experts about some of the most viral hacks on the Internet to see what is recommended and which you might need a professional for. 

“Remember, there is absolutely no shame in calling a tradesperson out if you’re not confident in doing it yourself, not only can you be sure the job is done right, but it might also prevent some stress in the long run.”


Water leak 

This TikTok video suggests placing an epoxy ball into a pipe to stop a water leak. 

However, the professionals have warned that this could lead to water contamination and there is also no way of controlling how the ball will act once it is placed inside the pipe.

The experts said: “I feel that will not work and for the UK you will be contaminating the water supply as you have introduced a foreign body into the water supply.  

“I think you would need to re-check your water regulations.

“I’m not sure I would risk trying this on a customer’s property, I would cut out the leaking pipe and replace it.”

Rental wallpaper

This hack shows a way of putting up wallpaper using tape in ladder formations, however this time saving technique will not give Britons a flush finish and will also leave marks once the paper is removed.

They experts said: “If it is a rental and you can't decorate, the painter’s tape and double-sided tape will leave ladder marks. 

“The longer it is left up, the worse it will be. 

Britons should only attempt building a kitchen island when they can ensure it’s safe

DIY hacks: Britons should only attempt building a kitchen island when they can ensure it’s safe (Image: GETTY)

“You could still damage the wall by removing the masking tape.

“I would go back to the landlord and ask permission to paper a feature wall.”

Honey sander

This idea suggests using honey to stick a pad to your sander, however our professionals advise against this as it will cause the sander to get clogged with sawdust. 

The experts said to avoid this technique and instead use a pad saver or just buy a new pad.

They said: “Honey will not keep sandpaper on and will get clogged with sawdust. 

“I would buy a new pad for sander or get some new Velcro and glue it to the base.”

“This is a short-term fix that will result in clogging of your sander, for something that can easily be solved by replacing the hook and loop pad or using a pad saver in the first place.”

Shower head pressure

This video suggests removing a flow restrictor from a shower head.

However, experts advise that these restrictors are there for a reason, removing them could cause temperature issues and void any warranty on the part. 

Annual house price change

Property: Annual house price change (Image: EXPRESS)

They said: “Flow restrictors are in place for a reason, removal can cause temperature issues, especially in the case of combi boilers. 

“I would say never remove them unless the manufacturer clearly states they can be removed entirely. 

“Most appliances call for a flow rated item to be fitted, different coloured ones indicate different flow rates and you should always adhere to manufacturer advice.’”

Kitchen island 

This video shows a low budget guide to building a kitchen island, however the structure shown is not safe to use as it is prone to collapsing. 

Britons should only attempt this if they can ensure a safe build to prevent a great mess in their kitchen.

The DIY experts said: “Such poor quality finishes - not really suitable for the usage it will get in a kitchen. 

“Not too bad an idea if you really can’t afford anything better.”

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