How to cool down a hot room without air conditioning or fans this summer

AIR CONDITIONING is a lesser-spotted feature in properties across the UK, but the summer heat can leave many of us wishing we had it in our homes. Fortunately, there are plenty of other ways to cool down a hot room without expensive equipment, and these are the best methods to try.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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The heat of summer has finally set in across the UK, with steady temperatures and high humidity still looming up and down the country. While the scorching heatwave may have come and gone, the humid weather can still leave bedrooms and living spaces uncomfortably warm at night. Air conditioning and fans are the go-to solution to quickly cool down a hot room but there’s plenty of other cheap and effective methods you can try if you're caught short.

Keeping windows and doors open during the day is one of the easiest ways to reduce the temperature inside, it’s not always possible when you’re stuck at work.

So, what can you do if you do find yourself faced with an unbearably hot room and no fans or air-con?

Create a cross-breeze

Focus on moving air through your house by having air flow in one side and out the other.

To do this, simply open windows on opposite sides of a room, or your house - but be warned, opening two windows on the same side of the house won't create a cross breeze in the same way.

For rooms with only one window, keeping the door open allows a cross breeze to form from elsewhere in the house.

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Thermostat/ man fanning himself at home

How to cool down a hot room without air conditioning or fans as 30C heat to blast UK (Image: GETTY)

Air conditioning unit

Air conditioning is not a common feature in British homes (Image: GETTY)

Keep electrical appliances to a minimum

Lots of electrical appliances such as TVs and chargers can produce a lot of wasted energy in the form of heat .

To tackle this, recommended turning off unnecessary appliances when they’re not in use.

The easiest way to do this is to resist the urge to open up your laptop, charge your phone and settle down in front of the TV all at once.

If you have laundry to do, you should also try to avoid the tumble dryer and make the most of the nice weather to hang your clothes out instead.

Man opening curtains

Keep windows open an curtains or blinds closed (Image: GETTY)

Keep curtains and blinds closed

You should try to get into the habit of closing your curtains and blinds during the day when the sun is at its hottest to avoid sunlight streaming indoors.

If you do forget to do this before heading out for the day, it will still work in the late afternoon too.

Shut your curtains and open the windows fully to allow a breeze without the added warmth.

If windows in certain rooms catch a lot of direct sunlight, use dark or blackout curtains or blinds to prevent the rays from overheating your room.

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Man and woman sat in front of a fan

Fans can be expensive to run for a long period of time (Image: GETTY)

Cook outside

Cooling down a hot kitchen will be even harder to do if you start cooking indoors. said: “Appliances such as hobs, ovens and kettles produce a lot of heat.

“Try to cook outdoors on a BBQ or camping stove if you have one to reduce the need for excess heat indoors.”

Spritz your furniture

This is one of the quickest ways to cool down any room, and it is incredibly easy to do.

Simply fill a spray bottle with water and leave in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Generously spritz soft furnishings with the chilled water for a quick fix.

Use a dehumidifier

Technically, using an air dehumidifier won't bring down the temperature in your room, but it will make the space feel cooler.

Humidity in the air causes a room to feel warmer than it actually is, so it can make a significant difference if you’re able to eliminate excess moisture in the air.

Fill your room with plants

Plants keep themselves cool via transpiration, releasing water vapour when the surrounding atmosphere heats up to cool themselves and the air around them.

The best examples of plants most effective for this are aloe vera and snake plants, both of which have high water content.

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