Five ‘worst energy-gobbling’ household appliances: How to keep costs as low as possible

THE UK has already been suffering the rise of energy caps, with many households being forced to take up the Government grants to pay their bills. On Friday 26 August, energy regulator Ofgem announced the new price cap will rise to £3,549 on October 1. To help, an energy expert has shared the top five "energy-gobbling" appliances in the home and how much they contribute to your bill.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Colletta Smith demonstrates how you can save energy at home

Homeowners and payers are being warned over the most “energy-gobbling” around the home as the price cap is forecast to rise in October to a staggering amount. The experts shared the top five appliances which use the most and are likely “uses up more energy and cost you more cash”.

Speaking exclusively to , Callum Woodstock, energy expert at PropertyRescue said: “As winter approaches, we’re all concerned about rising energy costs - here are five home appliances that are the most energy-gobbling and how to keep them as efficient as possible.

“None of us can manage without these essential home appliances but by following these tips you can save precious energy and help to keep your bills as low as possible during what is likely to be a tough winter for most of us.”

1. Fridge

Essential as it may be, the refrigerator is by far the most power-hungry appliance in the home, consuming around a third of all the electricity that a typical household uses.

Callum said: “None of us can do without our fridges, however, these are the worst as they consume up to a third of our overall electricity use. 


Open fridge and oven

Five ‘worst energy-gobbling’ household appliances - how to keep costs ‘as low as possible’ (Image: GETTY)

“Make sure that the fridge door is completely closed and never place hot food in the fridge as this gobbles up more energy. 

“Keep your freezer as full as possible as an empty freezer uses up more energy and costs you cash.”

2. Television 

Today, we are far more reliant on consumer electronics – from laptops to TVs to game consoles – so it should come as no surprise that they take second place.

The expert said: “We all love to cuddle up in front of the TV on winter nights and our viewing makes up about 12 percent of our bills.”


Some of the oldest advice remains relevant - remember to turn your devices off standby where possible. Callum advised: “Switch the TV off when not in use and never leave on standby.”

If it’s time for a new TV, look for the most energy efficient one you can afford, or choose a smaller screen size to save on running costs. 

3. Washing machine

Washing machines can vary dramatically in how energy efficient they are, with appliances usually ranging between 1.2kW and 3kW.

Some also have eco settings that will improve their efficiency, but it will depend on the cycles that customers choose to use.


Homeowner turning their washing machine on

Washing machines typically make up 11.8 percent of electricity bills (Image: GETTY)

According to the energy expert, these machines typically make up 11.8 percent of electricity bills.

To help combat this, Callum suggested “waiting until you have a full load and by switching to a cold wash whenever possible”.

4. Oven 

If homeowners enjoy baking, they might know how much energy this appliance consumes. But, did you know that how you use your oven affects how much electricity you use? 

Many are guilty of opening and closing the oven door to check for a perfect crisp or a lack of gooeyness, but this habit can be costly.

Woman working on her computer

Computers are using up 7.7 percent of electricity bills (Image: GETTY)

Callum warned: “8.3 percent of your bill is taken up by your oven. Make sure that your oven is efficient by keeping the door closed during use. 

“Additionally, when using the hob, match the size of your pans to the ring that you’re using to avoid needlessly wasting energy.”

5. Computers 

Adjusting your day-to-day behaviours can help save money and lower your electricity bill. 

With more people working from home than ever before, computers are using up 7.7 percent, according to the energy pro.

To minimise the costs Callum suggested: “Turn down the brightness on your laptop and avoid leaving it on standby to cut down on energy use.”

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