‘It’s illegal!’ Estate agents ‘tricks’ to ‘be aware’ of when buying and selling a home

WHEN it comes to buying and selling houses, there's no doubt there are certain estate agent tricks which are used to try to get a house to sell faster and at as high a price as possible. Knowing what these tricks of the trade are will help you to see through an estate agent lying about to make your buying and selling experience that little bit easier.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Estate Agent explains why it's hard to sell homes

On the whole, do a good job at helping you buy and sell . But be aware of some of the estate agent tactics to try to get you to raise your offer or buy extra services from them. Keep your cards close to your chest and learn to spot common estate agent tricks before they pull them. Property experts at HomeOwners Alliance have shared four “tricks” estate agents use to be on the lookout for to avoid falling for them.

1. Getting you into a frenzy

It’s the estate agent’s job to create a buzz around a property. They might try to do this by giving the impression lots of people are viewing the property and by arranging appointments close together. 

Rather than working through offers one at a time, the experts claimed that they might try to introduce “sealed bids”, which pits you against other buyers without knowing how much they are willing to offer.

Open days can also work to encourage buyers to act quickly and get into a bidding war. To avoid this, the property pros suggested: “If you are buying, stay focused and try not to be influenced. All of this is aimed to get the best price for the seller – that’s the estate agent’s job.  

“Keep in mind what you can pay for the property and stick to this – there’s no point in getting your dream home if you are then impoverished for the rest of your life.”


Estate agents helping a couple to buy a property

‘It’s illegal!’ Estate agents ‘tricks’ to ‘be aware’ of when buying and selling a home (Image: GETTY)

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2. Taking you out of the best deal

This tactic is quite common when buying or selling a house. The experts urged: “Never let them know your bottom line if you’re selling or your maximum budget if you’re buying. Otherwise the chances are you’ll end up having to settle for it.”

They added: “If you’re selling, it’s important you’re on the same page as your estate agent. Is your priority to get the maximum price or to sell as quickly as possible? 

“Avoid letting an agent’s agenda eclipse your own by shopping around to find the right agent for you. Getting the right valuation and a sales strategy that suits you will be key.”

Those unsure if they have a trusted estate agent can use an online site to find and compare the performance of local agents in their area to see which are reputable.


3. Inventing phantom offers

This isn’t common practice, but it does happen occasionally. It can be particularly damaging for you if it happens after your own offer has been accepted, and you have spent money on surveys etc.

The property experts warned: “Phantom offers are an estate agent trick to be aware of.”

This doesn’t mean the estate agent making an offer on the property themselves, it means that when buyers are ready to make an offer on a property and they’re trying to gauge with the agent how much to offer and they happen to mention they’ve had a previous bid at a certain price, estate agents could to influence buyers to offer close to that. 

For those who suspect a “false bid”, the property gurus advised challenging the estate agent and asking to see proof that a third party exists and that they are willing to make an offer.

Some estate agents have introduced a “Good Will Charter”. Both parties pay a deposit which they will lose if they don’t go through with the sale. It’s not fail-safe but it might help you weed out people who aren’t serious about the deal.


A house for sale

Phantom offers are an estate agent trick to be aware of (Image: GETTY)

The experts added: “Another option is a lock-out agreement whereby the seller has to take the property off the market for a limited amount of time while the deal is being completed. 

“You will have to move quickly to get everything done before the time period is up. Discuss the pros and cons with your solicitor.”

4. Pressuring you to use their mortgage brokers 

Some estate agents have been reported putting pressure on people to use their mortgage service, saying they will get preferential treatment or, worse, claiming they are unwilling to work with them unless they do. 

The property experts claimed: “The estate agent trick of putting undue pressure on you in this way is illegal. By all means, get a quote from the estate agent’s mortgage adviser before shopping around.

Average UK house price

Property: Average UK house price (Image: EXPRESS)

“However, bear in mind that they may have a far narrower selection of mortgages than if you look further afield.

“Plus, there may be an upfront charge for their advice whereas some mortgage brokers and banks can give you mortgage advice for free.”

Also be aware there have been accusations of mortgage brokers and estate agents working closely together, openly discussing potential buyers’ budgets in order to get as much money out of the buyer as possible.”

So again, find out what deal they can offer while remembering that you are under no obligation to accept their mortgage offers.

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