How to save money and energy on your laundry - Susannah Constantine's top tips

Saving money has never been more important. Now Susannah Constantine, the renowned fashion guru has shared her top tips on how to do laundry more efficiently and affordably.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor, Lisa Salmon

washing sheets

How to save money and energy on your laundry - Susannah Constantine's top tips (Image: GETTY)

Susannah Constantine rose to fame on TV's "What Not To Wear" alongside Trinny Woodall, and believes many people are unknowingly wasting energy and money when it comes to . According to Susannah, washing sheets at high temperatures for extended periods is equivalent to burning through .

She explained: “If you put your sheets on at 95 degrees for two hours, you’re burning through energy – it’s as bad as driving your car from London to Scotland. It’s insane – I think a lot of people do it wrong.

“But I found if you put the machine on a 20-30 degree cycle, it washes just as well, it’s shorter and it saves money. And because it’s a cooler wash, it makes your clothes last an awful lot longer too.”

Smart Energy GB has highlighted washing clothes at colder temperatures, with fuller loads, and adopting more efficient drying habits could save households up to £165 per year. However, their survey accompanying the campaign reveals that 42 percent of households only use two settings on their washing machine, and three-quarters struggle to understand the symbols on clothing laundry labels.

Laundry labels

Susannah admitted she gets confused with laundry labels (Image: GETTY)

Even Susannah admits her confusion with laundry labels, saying: “About 74% of people don’t know what the labels mean, and I am one of those people. I literally look at it, and it’s like double Dutch – I have no idea.

“It’s like these labels have been devised at Cape Canaveral – we’re just talking about washing clothes! In our mums’ day, there was none of this sort of complication where you have to decode labels. So most of the time, because they itch as well, I cut them out. And then I’ve got no idea what I’m doing!”

To address this, Susannah has partnered with Smart Energy GB to reimagine simplified laundry labels that promote energy-efficient washing.

Apart from deciphering laundry labels, there are numerous ways to achieve clean clothes while minimising energy consumption.

Here are Susannah Constantine's top tips:

Use cooler washes

Cold washes can be just as effective as warm or hot washes. Susannah recommends using a 20-30 degree cycle whenever possible. Not only does this save energy, but it also prevents colour bleeding and protects delicate fabrics.

Apply the sniff test

Susannah suggests using the "sniff test" to determine if clothes truly need washing. Many times, clothes are unnecessarily washed when they are still clean. By reducing the number of laundry loads, energy consumption can be significantly reduced.

Treat tough stains with a pre-soak

Hot washes are not always necessary for removing stains. Susannah advises pre-soaking garments in a bowl or bucket overnight before washing them on the preferred laundry cycle. This traditional method can be effective for most stains.

Air dry if possible

If weather permits, air-drying laundry is the most cost-effective approach. Susannah prefers hanging clothes outside, as towels tend to become crispy and hard when dried in a tumble dryer.

Throw in the towel

When using a tumble dryer, adding a dry towel to the load helps clothes dry faster. The towel absorbs moisture, reducing drying time and energy consumption.

Use a drying rack

If outdoor drying is not an option, placing a drying rack near an open window can speed up the drying process. This method is preferable to using radiators, which consume more energy.

Use a dehumidifier

Placing a dehumidifier next to a drying rack helps absorb moisture and accelerates drying times. Dehumidifiers are a more economical alternative to energy-consuming tumble dryers.

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