‘Fantastic’ way to remove silicone sealant mould - makes it ‘impossible to grow back’

Mould buildup in the sealant is one of the most challenging places to clean, especially if left there for months or years. Luckily, cleaning experts have shared a kitchen cupboard staple that makes it "impossible" for mould to return.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Mould and mildew removal technique tested by Express Online

It would be understandable for households to think that with the waterproof qualities of silicone sealant, would not be able to grow. 

However, over time, the silicone sealant can come away from the surface allowing water to begin to collect behind it. 

Mould loves warm and humid environments and as the is a wet environment due to the nature of the activities that take place, if surfaces aren’t dried after each use, the spores released by mould can land on the damp area and grow.

When it comes to removing mould, reaching for harsh chemicals is “not always the best option” warned the experts at Fantastic Services.

Instead, they have suggested two of the “best natural cleaners” that will help households remove mould bathroom sealants.

Bathroom dirt and mould on grouting and tiles near taps

Mould starts to grow on sealants over time (Image: Getty)

Baking soda 

“works great “as a mould remover. Mix it with a bit of water until thick paste forms. 

Spread it onto the mouldy area and let it sit for a while. Then, using an old toothbrush, scrub the mould and rinse off with water.

White vinegar

is an all-around cleaning agent and it’s also a “fantastic mould remover”. 

Plumbing experts at PlumbNation agreed and claimed that it is a “brilliant mould deterrent” too.

Spraying sealant mould around bath

Spray the vinegar solution onto the area and wipe the surface with warm water after an hour (Image: Getty)

They said: “Its acidity makes it impossible for mould to grow, and vinegar can clean up to 82 percent of mould species.”

Simply spray the vinegar solution onto the affected areas and wipe the surface with warm water after an hour. Dry the surface thoroughly with a towel to prevent any mould re-growth.

It is worth households keeping a bottle of vinegar handy in the bathroom and spraying it onto mould-prone surfaces every few days. Vinegar ensures that “mould will never grow” on the applied surfaces.

If the mould seems stubborn, mix the vinegar with enough bicarbonate of soda to make a thick paste and apply again, leaving overnight and repeat the removal process.

How to use white vinegar for cleaning

How to use white vinegar for cleaning (Image: EXPRESS)

There are also a few preventative measures households can take to try to prevent the growth of mould on silicone sealants.

One measure is to wipe down the surfaces to a dry finish after having a bath or shower as this can remove the environment that mould needs to thrive and grow.

Bathrooms also need to be ventilated to avoid mould growth. This can either be done by opening a window or with an extractor fan.

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