Green Britain: Join our crusade to live in greener and cleaner way

THOUSANDS of Britons are already living more sustainably and are encouraging others to take up the fight against environmental destruction. These Ecotricity customers made the switch to green power years ago, with many installing solar panels, improving the insulation in their homes and investing in electric cars.

Green Britain: Daily Express launches campaign with Ecotricity

Several have switched to vegetarianism, eat organic food and have ditched public transport for walking or cycling. Many were inspired by climate activist Greta Thunberg, as well as the need to safeguard their children and grandchildren's lives. Some have shared their passion for being more sustainable and environmentally friendly with their children, who have encouraged their parents along the way.

The environmental enthusiasts feared the world had "gone past tipping point" but said they still felt "great optimism" despite this.

The eco warriors felt not enough was being done to tackle issues facing the climate, and insisted everyone needed to take action.

People across the country are doing their part to combat the climate and biodiversity crisis, and are sharing their stories to encourage others to do the same.


Are you prepared to try a green revolution this year?

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Britain is leading the globe in a green industrial revolution that will rein in climate change and could create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

The Government has ambitious plans to invest billions of pounds more into the renewables sector, putting the country on the path to being the eco-envy of the world.


Thousands are adopting greener lifestyles (Image: Getty)

But here are five ways we could go even further in tackling the climate crisis:

1. Increase support for renewable energy, solar panels and electric cars. The Government has set out plans to Build Back Greener by making the UK the world leader in clean wind energy. This will create jobs, slash carbon emissions and boost exports. Consumers could be motivated to switch to greener alternatives if they receive more benefits and cost-cutting incentives.

2. Expand the blue belt of protected marine areas - and enforce the rules. The Government needs to commit to increasing the number of marine areas that are currently protected and enforce the no-fishing rules. This is essential to protect key species such as turtles, whales, fish, seabirds as well as wider marine life.

3. Enforce better clean air standards that meets guidelines from the World Health Organisation (WHO). Britain can work to reduce air pollution from traffic and buildings, and take action when it exceeds WHO guidelines. Campaigners have called on PM Boris Johnson to commit to clean air targets by 2030. This follows the tragic death of London schoolgirl Ella Kissi-Debrah, nine, from air pollution.

greta thunberg

Greta Thunberg has inspired many to be more environmental (Image: Getty)

4. Speed up the rollout of charging points for electric vehicles. The UK will need 400,000 public chargers by 2030 - there are 35,000 at the moment.

Otherwise we run the risk of small towns and rural areas becoming electric vehicle "charging blackspots".

5. Give the Environment Agency and Natural England more funds to monitor and protect wildlife.

The UK must invest in the protection and enhancement of the natural environment, which is crucial for national prosperity and wellbeing.

A boost in funding could also lead to increased green social prescribing services to help improve mental health outcomes and cut health inequalities.

JOHN and DENISE MILES both 70, South Wales

Going green is the "decent and right thing to do", believe the retired professor and his wife after three decades of doing just that.

The civil engineering lecturer and his former administrator wife stopped flying long haul and installed solar panels.

The couple improved their home's insulation and made the switch to green power 10 years ago.

John said: "I was very aware of the fact that one of the things we've got to do is switch to green electricity.


JOHN and DENISE MILES (Image: Rowan Griffiths)

"It's absolutely vital. So when I found out about Ecotricity, I switched to them.

“We are making a huge mess of the world. It's not just electricity, insects are disappearing. All kinds of things are going wrong and we really do have to change very quickly.

"But people aren't doing it. I think it's up to individuals to do what they can."

John continued: "My mother bought organic food back in the 1950s when I was growing up.

"She was really keen on this kind of thing. I absorbed her values. You get a lot from your parents and it sticks with you. It's really been something that's been there all through my life."

John and Denise have also saved money by going vegetarian.


The human race will become extinct if we don't do something about the climate crisis, says Alastair.

The dad of twin girls – Honore and Arial, who are six – fears for their future.

He said: "Climate change is happening, there's no doubt about it. If we don't do something now then, you know, I won't be in trouble but I have a couple of kids who won't have a future. It's as serious as that.

"The more I learn about it, the more passionate I become. It's for their future and their kids' future. We're facing a potential extinction of us unless we do something."

Alastair and girlfriend Natasha

Alastair and girlfriend Natasha with their twins (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)

Alastair, whose partner is Natasha, has been trying to teach his daughters about climate issues.

He said: "I'm not trying to brainwash them but we are having good conversations about the environment, like where milk comes from and planting trees.

"I've told them about Greta Thunberg and there's powerful words there which can be understood by all ages."

But Alastair says it's difficult to find information about how to help the planet.

He added: "We're not being incentivised or educated about it. People still say, 'What climate emergency?'"


The father of five set limits on the amount of waste his children could have on bin day to encourage them to go green.

The technology instructor, 61, said he once had four of his children living in his Buckinghamshire home and still produced less waste than his neighbours, with one child.

Patrick's eldest child is 32, while his youngest is 18.

He said: "It's just about taking care with the things that you have and getting best value from the things you have, and not overbuying.

"I see so much food waste. It seriously irritates me.


PATRICK DREW (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)

"I came from a very poor household, we didn't have a lot of things, and I've always been fairly good with not wasting."

Patrick, who teaches about energy efficiency and sustainability, and his wife Cleo, 58, pictured, are hoping to move home and install a solar panel.

The couple currently tend to a vegetable garden, have an electric car and get their green power from Ecotricity.

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