Is California next? Fears of 'the big one' grow as chances of major earthquake DOUBLE

THE risk of a major earthquake causing devastation across California over the next 30 years has close to doubled, geologists have warned.

Big oneGETTY

Fears of a major earthquake happening in California have nearly doubled

The US Geological Survey has warned in a report that the risk of "the big one" hitting the state has increased alarmingly as the "springs of the San Andreas fault system continually tighten".

It follows new research that has estimated the chances of the 'sunshine state' being hit by a large quake measuring eight or above on the Richter Scale as now being seven per cent, a 3.7 per cent leap from the previous risk level set at 4.7 per cent.

Tom Jordan, director of Southern California Earthquake Center, who co-wrote the study, said: "We are fortunate that seismic activity in California has been relatively low over the past century.

"But we know that tectonic forces are continually tightening the springs of the San Andreas fault system, making big quakes inevitable."

His team have created a simulation showing the extent of the spread of such a quake if it struck at the southern end of the San Andreas Fault, causing major damage from Palm Springs into Los Angeles.

The study estimated around 1,800 people could be killed and there would be only a one minute warning.

Fears have increased in California following the devastation of Saturday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake at Kathmandu in Nepal, which is feared to have left as many as 10,000 people dead.

Even if the worst does not materialise, the scientists have told Californians it is almost certain there will be an earthquake of at least 6.7 or higher in the next 30 years, with the risk of this estimated at 99 per cent.

Any quake with a magnitude of seven or higher on the Richter scale is likely to have devastating effects.

Beneath California is a network of faults, or cracks in the Earth's tectonic plates, knows as the San Andreas system.

There are five major branches with a combined length of more than 1,200 miles.

1994 LA quakeGETTY

Ravaged homes after he devastating 1994 earthquake struck Los Angeles

1994 LA Quake2GETTY

The city and its infrastructure were obliterated

1906 Sanfrancisco quakeAP

About 80% of San Francisco was destroyed in 1906

But we know that tectonic forces are continually tightening the springs of the San Andreas fault system, making big quakes inevitable.

Tom Jordan, director Southern California Earthquake Center

Earthquakes happen when plates collide with each other and were responsible for forming mountain ranges millions of years ago. 

The California team analysed latest data from this complex system of active faults, using new techniques for interpreting the risk of an earthquake.

The report said: "The (new) model provides our leaders and the public with improved information about what to expect, so that we can better prepare."

It is the third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, which has been created to predict the likelihood of an earthquake, where it would be and how big.

Surprisingly, the risk of the state experiencing quakes at magnitudes of 6.7 or lower over the same period is down.

The researchers are predicting larger quakes taking place due to multiple ruptures along some of the faults, meaning they would not be confined to one area.

In 1906 a force 7.8 earthquake became one of America's worst ever natural disasters after wiping out 80 per cent of the city of San Francisco and killing about 3,000 people after fires ripped through the city. 

The news comes after a separate study into Yellowstone National Park found hundreds of cubic miles of volcanic dust would be hurled into the atmosphere if there were a major volcanic eruption there, but scientists put the level of risk of that at only one in 700,000.

Earthquake graphicSCEC

Diagram showing the fault-line system in California

Simulation shows fallout of 7.7 magnitude quake

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