Dog manages to get help after seeing diabetic owner fall ill


Looby Loo and her owners Toby Snow and Mary Friend

A devoted dog has won a top honour after saving the life of her owner.

Looby Loo, a nine-year-old German Shepherd, came to the rescue when Toby Snow slipped into a life-threatening diabetic coma.

The dog's natural senses detected Toby's health was dramatically deteriorating and by barking and whining she managed to raise the alarm.


Looby Loo has now been honoured by the PDSA at a ceremony at the vet charity's Brighton hospital.

As Looby Loo received her PDSA Commendation, Toby, 57, and partner Mary Friend, 55, from Westham, East Sussex, told how their loving dog saved the day by relying on natural senses rather than any training as a medical assistance animal.

Toby is diabetic and controls his blood sugars with insulin injections and tablets but, after a spell in hospital, he had returned home very weak and on antibiotics.

That night, Mary was suddenly woken by Looby's frantic barks and whining next to their bed.

Mary said: "I knew straight away that Toby was slipping into a hypoglycaemic coma as he was barely conscious and unable to move.

I tried to increase Toby's sugar levels with fizzy drinks and glucose tablets but I knew that it was vital to call 999 for urgent assistance.

"Throughout the whole episode, Looby Loo didn't leave Toby's side. She was desperately nudging his arms and legs and licking his face.

Throughout the whole episode, Looby Loo didn't leave Toby's side. She was desperately nudging his arms and legs and licking his face

Mary Friend

She knew that he was in danger and was trying to help him as best she could."

Paramedics put Toby on a glucose grip as Mary and Looby waited anxiously. When he finally, Looby greeted him with lick.

Toby explained: "I was completely incapacitated. I couldn't speak or call out for help.

The antibiotics I was taking for the infection, coupled with the lack of food before bed, affected the insulin's ability to work and I knew I was in deep trouble.

If it wasn't for Looby Loo waking Mary, I hate to think what would have happened to me.


"I will be forever grateful to our wonderful dog for what she did that night.

She was a true friend and her actions definitely helped me out of a very sticky spot."

PDSA's Richard Hooker, said: "Toby and Looby Loo's story demonstrates perfectly just how strong the bond between humans and animals can be.

Looby Loo is a very special pet and her total devotion to Toby is plain to see.

"I know that both Toby and Mary are extremely proud and grateful to Looby for what she did for them - her actions undoubtedly ensured that Toby's health was preserved.

It is amazing that a pet with no formal medical assistance training detected a potentially dangerous situation, like Looby Loo did here for Toby.

Her PDSA Commendation is very well-deserved."

PDSA's Animal Awards Programme comprises the PDSA Dickin Medal, PDSA Gold Medal, PDSA Order of Merit and the PDSA Commendation.

The programme, set up by PDSA founder Maria Dickin, aims to recognise the role of animals in society.

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