Killer hornets TAGGED to save Britain’s honey bees from peril

KILLER Asian hornets are being tagged like criminals in the fight to stop them from invading Britain’s bee hives. The voracious insects have swept across Europe, mutilating precious honey bees and using their dismembered bodies to feed future generation of hornets.

Asian hornet

TERRIFYING..... Asian hornets are being tagged like criminals (Image: Peter Kennedy)

This gruesome predatory tactic is helping scientists develop a cyber war strategy by using tiny battery-operated devices to track the hornets back to their nests where they can be eliminated by pest controllers.

Asian hornets – scientific name Vespa veluntina – have already been declared public enemy invasive species after turning up in Gloucstershire two years ago when a nest was found and destroyed.  

Another nest was destroyed in Woolacombe, Devon, last year, while a single hornet was discovered in Lancashire this pring.

Preventing the honeybee carnage being witnessed on mainland Europe has become a pest control priority for Defra, and British researchers have come up with their scientific first by testing electronic radio tagging technology to take on the hornets.

Scientists from the University of Exeter attached the smallest radio tags available – made by UK firm Biotrack Ltd – by using thin sewing thread in a series of experiments in France and Jersey.

Once “tagged” with the devices weighing a mere 0.2gm, researchers were able to track the hornets back to five previously undiscovered nests.

Dr Peter Kennedy, of the Environment and Sustainability Institute on the University of Exeter’s Penryn Campus in Cornwall, said: “Our new method of tracking offers a really important new tool to tackle the spread of this invader, providing an efficient means of finding hornets’ nests in urban, rural and wooded environments."

Already assailed by habitat loss, parasites and pesticides, the humble honeybee, like many other pollinators, cannot face the risk of being predated by a powerful invasive species.

Although smaller than the native British hornet, the Asian interloper with its dark brown body, orange face, yellow-tipped legs and distinctive orange-yellow stripe near the end of its abdomen, is a prolific killer of honeybees.

Highly adept at hawking around the entrances of a hive, an individual hornet can kill 50 honey bees in a day to take back and feed its larvae, leading to warnings of potentially large commercial losses.

The hornets are thought to have arrived in France from China in pottery in 2004 and have spread rapidly, leaving the authorities in Bordeaux-Aquitaine admitting that the species is unlikely to ever be elimated.

Targeting the hornets’ nests is key to preventing them from gaining a foothold on British soil.

Professor Juliet Osborne, a co-author of the new study and Director of the Environment and Sustainability Institute, said: “It is vital to find the nests early in the season to prevent the hornet spreading, as later in the year hundreds of new queens emerge and disperse from each nest, each with the potential to make new nests."

The tagging research is being funded as part of the Government’s efforts to prepare for future outbreaks of the Asian hornet in the UK and Nicola Spence, Defra Deputy Director for Plant and Bee Health, welcomed the results.

She said: “This work is key for ensuring a rapid response to Asian hornets when sightings are confirmed, and in future bee inspectors will be able to use this technique to take swift action."

Details of the research – Searching for nests of the invasive Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) using radio-telemetry – were published today in the journal Communications Biology.

Any suspected sighting of an Asian hornet should be reported, ideally with a photo, via email to [email protected] or by using the Asian Hornet Watch app.

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