May admits Brexit deal faces delay as alarm grows over Irish border row

Mrs May met business leaders in London yesterday (Image: Henry Nicholls/PA Wire)

THERESA May last night played down hopes of a Brexit breakthrough following growing concern over fresh proposals for solving the Irish border row. The Prime Minister admitted that next week's Brussels EU summit may postpone a decision on a Brexit deal.

Her signal follows anger among her Democratic Unionist Party allies that the proposals could divide Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK for customs purposes.

And Brexiteer Tories feared it could also leave Britain tied indefinitely to an EU customs union under a "backstop" contingency plan to avoid a "hard" border between the province and the Irish Republic.


Mrs May outlined a new blueprint for solving the Irish border row to her close Cabinet allies at a Downing Street meeting yesterday, which included Chancellor Philip Hammond, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and EU Exit Secretary Dominic Raab.

Whitehall insiders said it broke up after about 90 minutes with little progress.

As he left, Tory chief whip Julian Smith said: "The Prime Minister and the Government are conducting a complex negotiation that is going well and we should be backing the Prime Minister."

Mr Hunt insisted ministers would not sign up to any plan which compromised the territorial integrity of the UK.

Turnstile He said: "The DUP's red lines are actually Theresa May's red lines. I know she will never sign up to a Brexit deal that compromises our territorial integrity."

But Mrs May told a private Number 10 reception the EU summit in Brussels may end up postponing a final deal until a further summit next month.


Before the meeting, DUP leader Arlene Foster said: "Brussels wants Northern Ireland to have access to the EU single market and trade within the rules set by the EU under the European Courts of Justice.

Sammy Wilson warns Theresa May to change her Brexit plans

The Prime Minister and the Government are conducting a complex negotiation that is going well and we should be backing the Prime Minister

Julian Smith

"However, Brussels also wants to place an effective one-way turnstile from Northern Ireland into the rest of the United Kingdom. Trade from Great Britain into Northern Ireland would be in danger of restriction.

"Indeed, Northern Ireland's access to any new United Kingdom trade deals would also be regulated by Brussels. That is not the best of both worlds. That is the worst of one world."

Senior Brexiteers are already angered over Mrs May's Chequers plan to have a common rule book with the EU.

Staying in a customs union would stop Britain from negotiating new trade deals.

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Mrs May said the final Brexit deal could be postponed until a further summit next month (Image: Leon Neal/Getty Images)

MEP David Campbell Bannerman tweeted: "I can report from trade meetings in Washington DC that the world's number one economy is following the threat of a customs union backstop very closely and [is] most concerned. It would make an independent free trade deal with the US impossible and waste their time."

Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey joined International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt in refusing to back Chequers.

She said: "I am completely supportive of the Prime Minister as she well knows - what I won't do... is speculate."

A pro-Brexit minister said those who backed Chequers could accept a customs union if Britain was free to leave when it wanted.

In a sign more Government members could join former foreign secretary Boris Johnson and ex-Brexit secretary David Davis in resigning, the minister added: "Anything more than that and I think we would find it very hard to swallow any more compromises."