‘Call in the ARMY!’ Irish politician issues plea over INVASION OF DEER

An Irish politician has called for the army to help tackle the growing deer population (Image: Getty)

AN IRISH politician has called for the army to help tackle the problems caused by the growing wild deer population in Kerry, southwest Ireland.

By Emily Ferguson, Royal Editor

Danny Healy-Rae, an Independent politician, asked the Irish legislature to call in the army in response to the “turmoil and tears” caused by wild deer. He claims the deer have “taken the place over” and are causing serious car accidents involving young drivers. The 65-year-old called for the army to be deployed to make roads in Kerry safe again.


Mr Healy-Rae said: "The deer are entering towns and villages, and estates around Killarney, and they have taken the place over.”

He claimed there have been serious car accidents and “young fellows are crying after paying dearly for insurance and getting their driver’s license.”

He added: “If someone shoots a deer, the national parks, the rangers and the guards all come down on top of them.

“Yet when the deer damage a car and people are injured or die as a result of these accidents, which has happened, no one does anything about it."

In response, Josepha Madigan, Ireland’s Heritage Minister, said there was a deer management programme in place for Killarney National Park.

She said: “I believe a cull is under way there at present.

“If the deputy has any specific instances which he would like to bring to our attention, I ask him to please do so.”

John Joe Culloty, councillor for Kerry County Council, agrees there is a genuine deer problem in the county but does not think the solution lies with calling in the army.


Speaking to Radio Kerry, he said: “I don’t agree with bringing in the army as the way of dealing with this, it has to be done internally within the National Park.

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The politician claims the wild deer have "taken the place over" (Image: Getty)

“There have been so many accidents and so many near misses and it’s just a matter of time before there will be fatalities.

“There were a couple of deaths that were being portrayed… but there was no hit.”

Mr Healy-Rae’s brother, Michael, previously called for the army to deal with a rhododendron problem in the county.

Last year he told the chamber the plant was “taking over completely”, despite efforts to cut them back.

He said: “The rhododendron situation has gotten so bad in Killarney National Park, minister, that nothing short of calling in the Army would put it right.”